
273 posts


This is the "wpengine" admin user that our staff uses to gain access to your admin area to provide support and troubleshooting. It can only be accessed by a button in our secure log that auto generates a password and dumps that password after the staff member has logged in. We have taken extreme measures to ensure that our own user is not going to be misused to harm any of our clients sites.

Exclusive Tips to Stay Cool in the Summer

As the summer months approach, you may be realizing that it just keeps getting hotter and hotter. At some point of the day, there...

Which Type of Fence is Best for a Classic House?

While building any kind of fence that is suitable for a home with classic architecture is seldom cheap, the benefits can quickly offset the...

Where to Find Cheap Kitchen Cabinets

Spending time thinking about that demanding job or the bills piling up tends to make one less interested in fixing the cracks in the...

Tips on How to Best Use Wallpaper Murals

Having a wallpaper mural installed on your wall can be fun, exciting, and easy at the same time. It will dramatically change the look...

How Often Should You Mow Your Grass

The beauty of well-trimmed lawns lies in how well you mow the grass. Mowing your grass at the right time and maintaining an optimal...

The essentiality of air filters to your HVAC system and which one works for you

You don’t want a home that is a sparkling architectural and artistic wonder yet not conducive for you and your loved ones. Instead, you...

Why Recaulking and Regrouting Your Bathtub, Shower and Countertop Is important

As a homeowner, you have to regularly check the condition of your house and all its amenities. It’s not enough that you just bought...

3 Ways to Get the Best Products for Your Home

If you want nothing but the best, then we can help you pick out the best items for your house. Read on to find our...

The 3 Most Crucial Things to Look for in a Junk Removal Service

While a junk removal company can be very helpful, you’ll have to find the best one for your money. Here are three of the most...

Why You Should Use Reclaimed Wood

Reclaimed wood is wood that has been used before in a structure or to make furniture that has been repurposed and used for another...


Enhancing Your Homes Security With Environmental Monitoring

Fortify your home against unseen dangers with environmental monitoring, and discover how to protect your sanctuary...

Understanding Smart Home Security: Integration and Automation

Yearn for a safer, smarter home? Dive into the world of smart home security integration and automation to revolutionize your peace of mind.

The Importance of Regular Security System Maintenance and Updates

Boost your security system's efficiency and compliance with regular maintenance, and discover how to avoid costly vulnerabilities by...