Tips For Choosing An HVAC System For Your Home

Your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is an essential utility that can have a big impact on your comfort, utility bills, and indoor air quality. But with the many HVAC system options available today, choosing the right one for your home can be confusing. This guide provides tips to help you choose an HVAC system that will meet the specific needs of your home and lifestyle for many years. Following these recommendations will help you narrow down your options, compare units intelligently and ultimately select the best HVAC system for your family.

Consider Your Climate

Climate plays an indispensable role in determining the suitable HVAC system for a given home. Designs tailored for regions with warm and muggy weather are different from those crafted for cold environments.

Hot And Humid Regions

Homes in hot, humid environments need HVAC systems that can provide powerful cooling and moisture control. Look for high-efficiency air conditioners with dehumidification modes. Opt for higher tonnage units designed to combat heat and moisture.

Colder Climates

In colder regions, the HVAC system must deliver sufficient heating. Seek out high-efficiency furnaces with output levels that match or exceed your needs. Also consider heat pumps, which provide both heating and cooling.

Mixed Climates

Locations experiencing a balance of mild and harsh seasons necessitate HVAC setups with equivalent heating and chilling capabilities. Warm air sources and dual-fuel structures function well in these locales.

Calculate The Correct System Size

An improperly sized HVAC system will struggle to maintain comfort. Calculate the tonnage you need for cooling using square footage and other factors. For heating, determine the British thermal unit (BTU) output required.

Consider factors Like:

  • Square footage
  • Home insulation
  • Window efficiency
  • Number of stories
  • Sun exposure
  • Typical climate patterns

An HVAC pro like a superstition cooling company can help determine ideal capacity levels. Oversized equipment wastes energy while undersized systems work too hard.

Evaluate Efficiency Ratings

Higher efficiency equates to lower utility bills and reduced emissions. Review HVAC efficiency ratings like:

  • SEER – Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (cooling efficiency)
  • AFUE – Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (furnace efficiency)
  • HSPF – Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (heat pump efficiency)

Seek systems with ratings exceeding 14 SEER, 90 AFUE, and 8.5 HSPF. Energy Star models indicate high efficiency.

Assess Available Fuel Sources

HVAC systems function on electrical power, natural gas, oil, or propane. Evaluate which energy sources are effortlessly accessible or preferable for your residence. This determines usable equipment.

Determining elements comprise:

  • Present electrical panel amperage limit
  • Access to community gas lines
  • Preferred fuel kind founded on fees and benefits
  • Survey all energy demands prior to selecting fuel variety

Determine Desired Features

Today’s HVAC architectures provide sophisticated characteristics for enhanced productivity, competence, and ease. Identify which facets fit your requirements.

  • Smart solutions – Permit remote platform direction via cell apparatus and voice instructions.
  • Multi-phase structures – Alter heating and chilling outcome to preserve energy.
  • Top quality air filtration systems – Entrap contaminants and allergens for cleaner internal air.
  • Dampness regulators and dehumidifiers – Adjust moisture levels for comfort.
  • Zoned management – Establish divergent temperatures in individual segments of your residence.

Consider Any Home Renovations

Major home additions, renovations, and improvements may impact HVAC requirements. If completing any projects, factor those plans into equipment sizing and selection.

For example, adding an extension or sunroom may increase heating and cooling demands. New insulation can reduce system size requirements. Remodels may necessitate relocating HVAC components.