The High Performance Home – The Perks of Having One


We can all pretty much agree that the phrase “high performance homes” gets thrown about a lot. Many people, we’ve discovered, need to experience living in a high performance house before they can really grasp what it entails and the advantages it provides.

So, what exactly does it mean to construct a high-performance house, and what factors should be taken into account?

We want you to know that a high-performance home will have more than just energy efficiency among its many desirable characteristics. This is a lot to think about if you aren’t a technical specialist when planning your new home’s construction.

While designing their homes, clients can choose to prioritize and address several aspects of design and construction that contribute to a high-performance home. A good idea is to give this link a go if you want to discover more

Here’s what we want you to know:

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency

This is pretty much the most important perk of having a high-performance home. There’s basically no reason not to construct a house with excellent thermal performance. You can reduce your carbon footprint, save money on utility bills, and improve the comfort of your house. It makes no sense not to.

In 2015, almost 21% of the United States’ overall energy usage came from homes. We can make comfortable, energy-efficient houses without breaking the bank by going above and beyond what is required by the code. You should prioritize making an airtight and insulated shell for the building as well. The next step is to consider renewable technology and high-efficiency heating and cooling systems.

Air quality

Most of us don’t give much thought to the role that our own homes play in contributing to air pollution.

However, a rising amount of scientific research suggests that indoor air pollution can be much more severe than outside air pollution in major cities. It is crucial to specify a high-performance ventilation system throughout the design phase in order to prevent the accumulation of indoor pollutants.

Put to good use low-VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) paints, sealants, and other construction supplies. Keep in mind that a high-performance house is about more than just aesthetics, folks. You can discover more info on this page.


You should think about the project’s longevity whenever you make choices about materials, finishes, or building techniques. Look for replacements for standard products that are stronger, last longer, and need fewer repairs.

Oh, and do you know what else? When creating a household budget, it’s crucial to factor in the total cost of ownership of all purchased items. Investing in long-lasting products could mean paying more initially but saving money in the long run.

After all, your high-performance home should be able to last you longer if you take good care of it and if you’ve made the right investments from the start.

The role of technology

Once upon a time, thinking about technology in the context of home construction meant ensuring sure there were enough plugs. But now everything is different. With the rapid growth of ‘smart’ home technologies, we now have the ability to coordinate our house’s temperature, appliances, entertainment, and security with the tap of a smartphone.

This will allow you to maintain a connection with your house while you’re away. These high-tech additions can make your life easier and more cost-effective, as well as better suit your home to your preferences.


It’s only natural to want to make your High Performance Home as cozy and inviting as possible; after all, it’s pretty much your very own castle. Lower energy efficiency-rated homes are notoriously challenging to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature in.

Differences in temperature from room to room or chilly patches on walls are two signs that your home isn’t energy efficient. Yikes! So, it’s not uncommon for there to be a significant temperature difference between different parts of a room.

But, we want you to know that adding insulation or weather-stripping to your home to increase its energy efficiency will make your living space much more comfortable by preventing drafts and air leaks. Improving your home’s energy efficiency has a multiplicative effect on your comfort, from retaining heat in the winter to letting in cool air in the summer.

Higher value

Do you know what else is amazing to know?

Consumers now care about the environment more than ever before, which bodes well for the demand for ecologically friendly homes. If you are considering selling your home in the near future, you may be able to fetch a higher price if you have previously made it more environmentally friendly.

This is one of the reasons why property development businesses are designing ecologically friendly residences whenever they’re constructing new homes from the ground up. They’re able to maximize the resale value and attract a larger variety of customers if they take these steps.

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