Tell-Tale Signs of Termites


If you have ever had a chance to experience a termite attack, you would know the damage they cause. Termites are a problem around the world. It is estimated that they cause around $5 billion worth of damage every year. While every household wishes to keep itself free of termites, you never know when they make themselves at home. The worst thing is that the damage caused by these creatures is not covered by the insurance; therefore you have double-trouble in your hands. However, when it comes to termite infestation, there are some tell-tale signs that you should look out for. This will help you in preventing the situation from getting worse.

Head Banging

You may find it amusing but termite soldiers do bang their heads and this is one of the first tell-tale signs of termites existing in your house. If you were wondering what they sound like, you shall hear quiet clicking sounds from the walls. Termite soldiers bang their heads against the wall or shake their bodies when they a potential threat up close. This is to signal other soldiers to buckle up. Furthermore, worker termites are the most hardworking. Such is their hunger for wood that they will eat it while being quite noisy to the ears.

Another thing that might surprise you is the fact that termites love Rock music. Recent research conducted on the same topic observed that termites worked even harder when Rock music was on. This is also a way to keep them focused on their job while you work to attack them without even noticing. However, termites tend to be sensitive creatures. They can sense vibrations and noises through their antennas attached to the body. Although there is still a lot to be discovered about termites but scientists are off the opinion that they can measure the size of the wood just by using vibrations.

Flying Termites

Often termed as swarmers, flying termites are also one of the first tell-tale signs of termite infestation. The flying termites are basically both males and females that leave their nest to find a mate and then start a new colony. If you are unlucky, they might just find a place near or in your home. Swarmers differ in the way they swarm as well. While some prefer to swarm at night, others prefer to do it during the day, usually after rainfall or particular days of the year.

Furthermore, if you were to observe closely, flying termites lose their wings as soon as they find their mate. The new couple then crawls to a new location to mate and nest. This is how colonies are made. Furthermore, both the king and queen tend to their workers and continue to reproduce and form colonies. Therefore, if you catch sight of flying termites, you should know it is time to act.

Hollow Sounding Timber

Termites usually attack wood from the inside. After several days, you would come to find hollow timber or just the paint. Therefore, if you were to tap or knock the termite damaged area, it shall sound hollow. The reason is that the entire inside of the wood has been consumed by termites.It is one of the most popular signs of termite attack. People mostly come to know of termite infestations in their homes the same way, upon bumping against a wooden object or simply pressing a finger through a door frame.

Exterior Wood Damage

If you observe wood that has been damaged from the outside, then you are probably looking at termite infestation or inviting one. Wood areas that are exposed, bared, and rotted will be a definite invitation for termites. Furthermore, subterranean termites are attracted to wood that is damaged by moisture. If you are unsure, call a termite inspection team and have the infested areas checked.

Shredded Wings

As mentioned already, flying termites regularly leave their current nesting locations and fly to find new ones. Once they have found a new location and are sure that the area is perfect for nesting, they shred and discard their wings. Sometimes, that is the only sign of a termite infestation. Furthermore, since termites are mostly attracted to light, you will most probably see the wings in windowsills or spider cobwebs. As soon as you identify the wings, call a professional termite exterminator or get down to act immediately.

Termite Dropping

Termite dropping, known as frass is a definite sign of termite presence in your house. Termites are known to create mud tunnels that allow movement from the soil to the food source. These mud tunnels are moist, as the termites do not want themselves to dry out. As the termites start consuming wood, they discard droppings. Visually, it may look the same as wood shavings but are not. If there were termites in your house, you would see these pellets anywhere near wood or even the attics. Remember not to get confused and ignore the situation. If you are unsure, call a professional to inspect.

Final Word

Identifying termite presence has become easy with heat, moisture, and sound sensors. Eliminating termite presence is necessary, as most insurance policies do not cover the damage caused by them. Therefore, it is suggested that regular professional inspection of the house is conducted yearly to minimize the risk of termite infestation. In the end, you will be preventing costly damages done to your property.

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