Space-Saving Tips for Your Kitchen


Having a small kitchen may sound like you won’t be able to fit in all utensils and kitchen items you have. However, through extensive planning and organizing, you would be able to have your dream kitchen area and even add a table island where you can share memorable meals with your friends and loved ones.

Here are some space-saving tips that will make each corner of your kitchen functional and spacious enough to comfortably cook your favorite dishes:

1. Organize drawers

Through the use of dividers, you can arrange and declutter your kitchen items according to their functions and sizes. Moreover, it will save you time in remembering where you’ve placed most of your utensils. One of the common dilemmas of anyone when it comes to the kitchen is always looking for items that have been misplaced because it didn’t have permanent drawers or locations.

To achieve a unique kitchen look, you can consider installing customized kitchen cabinets with spacious and well-designed drawers. You can organize and declutter your kitchen quickly if you have the right size of kitchen cabinet drawers. Also, you can easily designate a specific space in your kitchen cabinets for your rarely used kitchen utensils, silverware, and bakeware stress-free.

When you invest in customized kitchen cabinets, you can easily plan the perfect layout and space utilization for storing your kitchen tools and different types of equipment. It’s also a great idea to place your modern designed kitchen cabinets beside your refrigerator to match the overall modern look of your home.

2. Opt for space-saving cabinets

It’s a golden rule to install space-saver cabinets to keep a tidy kitchen. It’s quite sore to the eyes to see several kitchen materials dangling or piling up everywhere. With these cabinets, you’ll be able to keep unused materials out of your line of sight.

A standard kitchen cabinet size is 36 inches with a countertop. If you want to maximize the ceiling, you can also choose upper kitchen cabinets with option sizes of 30 to 42 inches. You can also consider customized cabinets to maximize the space in your small kitchen, thus, providing you with more storage and less cluttered kitchen space.

3. Install wall hooks and holders

Hooks and holders help to keep things that you always use in the kitchen such as spatulas, knives, and potholders. Make sure to choose hooks that are heavy duty to keep your kitchen items from falling.

Installing wall hooks and holders helps in organizing and keeping your kitchen in order. You should place often used kitchen tools in these wall hooks and holders for easy access when you’re doing your kitchen chores. In addition, store rarely used kitchen utensils in enclosed cabinets to lessen the clutter.

4. Purchase trolley for cupboards

If you have a small cupboard space and it won’t fit on a normal shelf, it’s better to purchase a trolley that you can move anywhere you want. Thus, if you’re serving drinks you may even use the trolley for ease of distribution of utensils and drinks.

5. Always keep your kitchen tidy

Of course, all organizers and holders wouldn’t create a huge impact in your kitchen if you can’t tidy the kitchen itself. Always guarantee that you wash the dishes you’ve used and put the kitchen materials back to its place. It is also recommended to choose small appliances to avoid your kitchen from looking overcrowded.

Make it a habit to declutter your kitchen regularly to avoid piling things up. Make sure not to store trash in your kitchen, it would be best to bring them outside on covered trash bins to avoid attracting pests. Certainly, a clean, tidy, and organized kitchen can inspire and boost your mood to cook your delicious food recipes.

6. Place organizers on top of cabinets

Place spare utensils or kitchen wares that are usually used on occasions at the top of cabinets. Since your kitchen is small, even the smallest spots in the kitchen must be designated for specific materials.

7. Place a washing-up station

A drying-up rack on your sink helps to drain water from your plates, bowls, knives, and other utensils. This helps to always keep your kitchen tidy and free from any water residue at all times.

8. Place inner door storage

To better maximize the cabinet doors, add storage racks where you can place saucepan lids, chopping boards and other items that can be stored without consuming too much shelf space.

9. Go for white theme

The color white creates a light and clean space in the kitchen compared to dark colors. Adding up eccentric elements such as paintings and small indoor plants also create an inviting space for your kitchen.

10. Use single-bowl sink

You can save more space if you will refrain from double bowl sink and go for a larger sink as either serves the function regardless of its size.

Through creativity and even advice from those who are experienced in renovating their homes, you’ll be able to give your kitchen a breath of fresh air which in return can give you a wonderful experience as you prepare meals for your family.

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