Important things to consider when you are planning an office move


For every business move, thorough planning is necessary. Whether it’s a big or small business, you need to properly plan for you to have a successful move. For any individual looking forward to an office move, getting minimum disruptions is the main goal. You wouldn’t want the whole exercise to disrupt or interrupt your usual business in any way. It helps even more if you have an efficient and reliable moving company to help you out with the task.

If the people you hire are effective in their job then you’ll have very little to worry about. Relocation experts at Office Removals London emphasize on the need for effective space management for every office move. This can be done by conducting a site survey before and after the relocation.

Of most importance is making all the plans before the date of the move, ideally 3 to 6 months before. By doing this you will have adequate time to properly organize every detail of the project as well as avoid any inconveniences that may arise. Discussed below are some of the things you should put into consideration for a successful office move:

  • Review your property lease.

You need to know when and how to serve the notice to end your current lease prior to a should be able to notify your landlord on time concerning your planned move.

  • Establish the new location for your business.

Having established why you need to move, it is only logical for you to start planning a relocation if you know where you’re moving to. Of course, before settling on a location there are some things that you need to evaluate.   Also be sure and understand options for commercial fitouts as well.

  • Establish a suitable office design and fitout.

When it comes to all offices, a lot of focus is put on improving the employees levels of creativity. Your staff’s wellness should also be of concern.

  • Develop a communication plan

You need to communicate clearly with your employees on the planned move and the daily progress of the move.

  • Notify the relevant parties of the move.

From clients( both prospective and current), banks/ financial institutions, insurance companies, business partners, suppliers, service providers and local authorities among others.  

  • Set a budget for the whole exercise.

Setting an accurate budget for a successful project will help you avoid any incidences of overspending. 

  • Get different quotes from various moving companies.

By looking at quotes from different companies you’ll be able to settle for what you can afford. 

  • Hire a moving company. 

Upon establishing every other thing that will be necessary for that day, it will be essential to hire a moving company at least months prior.


Choosing a suitable office fit out after a move

When it comes to choosing suitable office fit out, most focus is put on enhancing the levels of employees productivity. As you work closely with your designer to come up with the best design, you should be able to create an environment where the staff feels motivated to be productive. From the choice of decor to the colours of the walls, they should all have a positive vibe and energy.

Not forgetting also your choice of furniture. As outlined by Rethink Your Office, you can always opt for second-hand furniture when choosing the appropriate fit-out for your office. Not only does second-hand furniture save you money, but it also guarantees you value for your money.

How your work space looks also has an impact on how your clients or partners perceive your business. It determines the impression that people have. For you to get the best fit out for your office, you should be able to hire an experienced designer who is well equipped with the expertise needed. 

In the long run, the result should be a serene and productive environment. After all, the intent here is to create or improve the environment where your employees are working.

With all that is mentioned above, having a successful office move or choosing a suitable office fit out design shouldn’t be a hard task at all. With the right help and resources you should be able to achieve this effortlessly.


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