How To Save Money When Buying Air Filters


Your family deserves a clean air filter that helps prevent allergic reactions and preserve respiratory health. So, it is advised to invest in a 14 x 18 x1 air filter to install in your air conditioners to lower your exposure to indoor allergens, like dust mites.

If you want an advanced filtration system to keep your home safe, here’s where you can buy a high-quality honeywell filter. But, is it possible to still be able to save money when buying an air filter for your home?  Check out these helpful tips on how to buy air filters without leaving too big a dent in your wallet:

Find And Use Discount Codes And Coupons

Save money when purchasing air filters by looking for discount codes and coupons on online retailers’ websites. Many of them offer great deals and discounts as a reward or incentive in exchange for buying their products.

Also, you’ll find discount codes and coupons for air filters on online coupon sites. While it’s tempting to use the first coupon code you stumble upon, it’s best to search around and compare discount codes so you end up with the best deal.

Buy More Than One Air Filter At A Time

Similar to the bulk buying concept, you’ll save more money if you buy more than one air filter in one go. But, how often do you need to change your air filters?  Well, it depends on the type of air filter you’re using, the number of pets you have at home, the indoor air quality or level of air pollution, construction around the home, and the number of people occupying the house.

For basic one- to three-inch air filters, most manufacturers recommend changing them every 30 to 60 days. If you’re suffering from allergies, it’s important to upgrade your air filter or change it even more often. For those living in more remote areas, in homes that are less occupied, such as a vacation home, or in locations where there are fewer vehicles pass by, changing air filters every year should be enough.

Now, it makes sense why you should buy more than one air filter at once. Buying in bulk will save you a lot of money, especially on shipping fees, and it would require less time and effort on your part as you won’t have to order a new one every two or three months. Also, a lot of stores offer discounts when you buy in bulk.

Here is a guide on how often you should change your home’s air filters:

  • Change air filters every six to 12 days if you’re a single occupant at home. This also applies if no family member has allergies, or if there are no pets around. Air filters of vacation homes should also be changed this often.
  • Change air filters every 90 days if you’re residing in an “average” suburban residence without pets around.
  • If you have a pet, either a dog or a cat, change your air filters every 60  days.
  • If you’re living with a family member who has allergies, or you have more than one pet at home, changing air filters every 20 to 45 days is highly recommended.

Inserting New Air Filter in Ceiling

Compare The Different Types And Brands Of Air Filters

There are different types of air filters you can buy. Using electrostatically charged air filters is highly recommended as they provide the best filtration of air contaminants, especially of small particles. It is important to note that polyester, fiberglass, pleated, washable, and electrostatic filters have different air filtering capabilities.

By comparing the different types and brands of air filters, you’ll be able to determine the best air filter for your home.

Get The Right Size

The most common examples of air filter sizes measure 10 X 20, 14 X 20, and 16 X 24, all the way to 18 X 25, 4 X 24, and 25 X 25 in length and width, and with a depth of one to six inches. Buying the right size of air filter will save you more money in the long run. Lay the air filter flat on the ground, then, get the measurements yourself using a measuring tape.

Disposable air filters are typically one to two inches thick. Some air filters are up to five inches thick, and they usually provide superior air cleaning to achieve the best indoor air quality. They also have a longer lifespan.


There are a lot of ways you can save money when buying air filters. You may take advantage of discount codes, or buy air filters in bulk. Also, it’s a must to compare various brands and models first before settling with one, as well as to choose the right size for your needs.

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