How To Keep Your Home Cool All Summer Long


Although many people love summer, not everyone is immune to the extreme heat it emits. You and your family, for example, will need to take a break from the sun and cool off inside your comfortable home during this season. So, the question now is, how can you keep your home cool?

Keeping your house cool during summer can be a challenge, especially when you don’t want to spend a fortune on air conditioning. However, with the simple steps listed below, your family can take advantage of a cool atmosphere all summer long:

1. Choose The Right Type Of Air Conditioner

Air conditioners become a necessity especially during the peak of the summer season. Selecting the right packaged terminal air conditioner is crucial, because this will make either break your home’s indoor comfortability. A PTAC has dual purpose, so it can be used not only to cool your home but to heat it too during colder seasons.

For its cooling function, these devices use a compressor that pumps the refrigerant and coils to secrete cooler air. The evaporator coil is responsible for cooling the entire room while the condensing coil releases heat and humidity outside.

PTACs main purpose is to control the indoor climate of your home, resulting in a cooler temperature. The great thing about using these units is you can customize the temperature of each room, so your guests and other family members can control them based on their preference. Specifically, these devices work well in cooling hotter areas like your home’s loft and attic spaces.

When shopping for the perfect PTAC for your home, consider the following aspects:

  • British Thermal Units (BTUs) – TUs, otherwise known as units of power, are considered when you’re finding the right PTAC size for your home. This means that when you have a larger area to cool, they will also require more BTUs. It’s highly recommended that you choose the correct air conditioner size for your room size too.
  • Plug Type – Voltage and amperage are parts of the plug type. If the amperage is high, its heating capacity will be high too. Your PTAC can be connected to a receptacle or it can also be hard wired into your building’s wiring. The latter is a permanent option so you will need to have a sub base kit for it.

If you want to know more, you may read here for information on how to select the right heat type for your PTAC at home.

2. Keep The Blinds Closed

Scientifically, a greenhouse effect lets heat and sunlight into your home traps it inside. This produces up to 30% of the unwanted heat in your home. You can simply close your window blinds or at least the windows facing in the west or south directions to prevent this. You’ll be surprised to see your house will be 20 degrees cooler in the middle of the day.

You can further optimize this process by getting light-colored blinds that reflect the sun’s heat rather than absorb it. You can then proceed to reopen them at night when it’s finally cool. The windows can be covered with cardboard to further impede the heat from entering.

Another way to block out heat from your windows is to use blackout shades or window tint films. To prevent your windows from becoming too dark during the day, lower the top of the shades 6 inches from the top of the window so that light comes in, but the heat does not.

3. Consider Changing Your Bed Sheets And Linens

beautiful pretty woman feeling hot during summer

It’s important to know what you should look for when buying bed sheets. Changing your bedding seasonally will not only freshen up your room but will also keep you cool and comfortable. As great as textiles like flannel sheets and fleece blankets are at keeping you warm, cotton ensures you stay cooler and breathe easier during this warmer season.

If possible, invest in one or two buckwheat pillows. Even if packed together in a pillowcase, buckwheat hulls don’t retain body heat like conventional pillows because they have an air space between them. This will make you sleep more comfortably and prevent sweating.

4. Keep Your Doors Open

To ensure free air circulation throughout your home, open your interior doors as much as possible. Your home will be less likely to experience pressure problems and be easier to cool evenly and efficiently with your air conditioner. If you close the bedroom door at night while you sleep for privacy, consider leaving it open for the rest of the day.


In the summer, cooling your house requires balancing comfort and efficiency. The expense of running your air conditioner all the time isn’t only expensive, but it’s also an energy hog. But knowing how to control the thermostat or choosing the right type of air conditioner is a wiser option to keep your utility costs at bay. Try to follow the tips mentioned in this article, and you can immediately feel cooler in your home. Moreover, it would help if you could consult a pro and learn more about keeping your home cool the entire summer.

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