Honoring Your Loved One’s Memory


When a loved one dies, keeping their memory alive is a way of giving them a tribute as well as a way for us to cope with the pain of loss. Grieving for a loved one may be a long process, and every person will have different ways to deal with the loss and grief. Those who have just lost someone may often find it quite a powerful comfort to transform their bereavement into a concrete action.

There are many ways to honor your deceased loved ones, both privately or publicly; the choice is up to you. Honoring a loved is also seen as a journey forward in the healing process. There is no right or wrong manner to honor your deceased loved one, as it’s mostly done based on the personal preference of someone who suffers the loss.

Some people might find some quiet time and weeping to bring them comfort. However, if this doesn’t seem to be helping after some time, it might actually be necessary to honor a loved one in some physical manner. This can give your grief a palpable and tangible solution, though the sadness will understandably remain.

If you or someone you know is in search of ways to honor their dear departed, we’ve discussed a few of the most effective practices below. One might be more helpful for some than others, so read on and see which of these seem to stand out:

Planting Trees

Having a physical and living reminder of someone you’ve lost can be a great comfort when you’re feeling especially low. Planting a tree is not just a good way to honor someone’s memory, but it’s also one of the most environmentally-friendly ways to do so. If the deceased was someone who enjoyed nature and/or had an interest in preserving the environment, this dedication might be especially relevant.

Some people might also plant trees right alongside the ashes of the person who’s passed away. This is a practice that’s believed to provide the sapling with necessary nutrients, thus helping it grow bigger and stronger. This way, the bereaved will have the additional comfort of feeling that their loved one is still helping the environment in some form.

Wearing their Clothes

If someone lost a person who was very close to them, wearing that person’s clothes or any accessories they left behind could be a great help. Some might find it especially comforting to get their grandmother’s ring, their mother’s necklace, or their father’s shirts to wear as a reminder. At first, they might even be able to detect that person’s scent on these articles.

Making the clothes into something else might also be a comforting activity, especially if they’re of no use as they are. For instance, someone might use the clothes of a young child who’s passed away and fashion them into a homemade quilt. This could be a source of comfort to the parents after they’ve had some time to process the grief.


If someone finds pleasure and joy in writing, they might want to take up the pen and compose a poem or essay for the deceased. Even if someone isn’t that interested in writing, penning down their emotions could be a cathartic experience.

After losing someone, you might also be afraid of forgetting what they were like. If that’s the case, penning down the memories of all the joyous times you’ve shared could be an effective means of preserving the legacy of that person.

You don’t have t show anyone what you’ve written if you don’t want to. However, sharing that poem, note, essay, or journal entry might be comforting if you’re sure of having supportive people around you.

Participating in Activities

In order to honor the memory of someone you respected, admired, and loved deeply, you might want to see what they were interested in during their lifetime. This could be something as simple as walking on the beach, or something philanthropic like volunteering at a soup kitchen.

You might not want to take part in such activities in the long term, but participating in them now and then might help you deal with the grief. If you’re overwhelmed on their death anniversary or in the weeks following their departure, these activities might give a lot of comfort.

Using their Gifts

We’ve all collected a wide range of items from our loved ones. When they pass away, these items gain even more sentimental value than before. If your grandfather gifted you a brooch, you might want to wear it on your wedding day. This way, you’ll be able to feel like he’s part of the festivities after all.

Light a Candle

Simply light a candle and place it on an entryway table. This will make a strong statement. Use a flameless candle that will symbolize an everlasting memory. If you want to take this a step further, you might want to display a picture of the person or keep some other memento of them beside the candle.

Start a Charity

If you have the resources and full support of your family and friends, mount a charity or a fundraising event in memory of your loved one. If he or she was battling a certain illness that caused his or her demise, set up a foundation as a dedication to your loved one. This will also help other people who are experiencing the same illnesses. You’ll hopefully find this beneficial for releasing your depression, along with the great feeling of helping others who are in need.

Displaying a Saying or Poem

When you lose someone, you often need some sort of reminder in order to keep going. It can be very easy to get lost in feelings of grief and sorrow, forgetting that you still have a life to lead. In such cases, you should consider putting up something that will remind you of the good times you’ve had with the departed and that they’re still with you in spirit.

One such item could be a certain framed poem, which you can also give to someone as a sympathy gift. The Cardinal Condolence Sympathy Gift is among the best options, which you can check out here:

This sympathy gift is a simple yet very sweet poem that honored the deceased and allows you to remember them in a respectful yet joyful manner. Anyone who’s lost someone very close to them will definitely take some comfort from this poem, especially on certain occasions like their birthday, Mother’s Day, Christmas, etc.

The red cardinal design on this frame is reminiscent of the symbol of a departed soul. It’s a sign that our loved ones will always be with us, while the poem will remind us of that fact with some well-chosen words.

Many people have made use of this frame or something similar, and have derived a lot of comfort from it. You can also buy several at a time and distribute them to anyone who was close to the one they’ve lost. This would be a thoughtful gift at a very difficult time, and the giving will also help your own healing process.

Conclusion: Taking Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself is the best way to honor your loved one’s memory. Try to move on, find happiness in simple things, and allow yourself to smile again. You can always take out some downtime, look at their picture, and have a ‘conversation’ with them when things get tough.

Most of all, the best way to honor your loved one’s memory is to take care of yourself. Life must go on for you after the death of your loved one. Of course, he or she wouldn’t have wanted you to suffer all throughout your life or wallow in depression. His or her spirit is surely watching over you and will be pleased if you strive to be happy even without their physical presence.

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