How Do You Get Your Lawnmower Ready for the Spring?


Only two months are left for spring to come, and gardeners should prepare their lawns for the most awaited season. So, if you have a lawn or yard, this is the right time for you to get your lawnmower ready for spring. A lawnmower is an essential element that you need to prepare your lawn for spring. 

There are some lawn mower maintenance tricks that every gardener should consider before the arrival of spring. So, if you don’t have much experience in this matter, you would love the idea of easily maintaining a lawnmower.

Before diving into the deeper discussion, it is essential to note that you must buy your lawnmower and its parts wisely. You should choose trusted options online (or at physical stores) like Briggs and Stratton parts for sale.

Start Maintenance From the Fall

Your lawn maintenance should start in the fall, as this is the time when you need to take precautions. If you keep it stored during the entire fall, it will more likely be unable to perform well in the spring. 

When storing the mower in for the winter, you should:

  • Remove all the gas from the lawnmower.
  • Confirm that all the cables are well-connected.
  • Keep the undercarriage clean.
  • Store the mower in a dry area during the winter.

Check on All Portable Parts

Even though you don’t need to use the mower in the winter, it can get dusty. Therefore, you must check all of its removable parts to confirm that the lawnmower is in a good state.

1. Replace the Spark Plug

The first part you should check is your spark plug, as it is one of the vital elements that can make your lawnmower start working quickly. 

It should be replaced at the beginning of each mowing season as it is affordable and easy to change. For changing the plug, you need to:

  • Unplug the old spark wire.
  • Remove the old plug.
  • Connect the new plug into the socket and make sure that it is not too tightened. 

2. Change the Air Filter

Once the spark plug is replaced, move to the air filter of your lawnmower. In drier weather, these filters get dusty and dirty. So, just like cleaning the air filter of your car is essential, the case with a lawnmower is also the same. If it gets dirty, it would put more stress on your lawnmower and thus wastes lots of gas.

3. Keep Changing the Oil

The oil keeps the lawnmower functioning, and without oil, the mower will not be able to work. Hence, you need to change the oil once every season. For changing the oil, you need to drain all the gasoline out of your lawnmower and unplug your spark plug wire. 

Next, determine whether your lawnmower has an oil drain plug or not. If there is, then you should pull the plug and drain out the oil the way you do in your car. And when the mower does not have an oil drain plug, tilt the mower on its side, keep its carburettor on the raised side, and drain all the oil out of the mower. After draining the old oil, fill the mower with fresh, clean oil.

4. Make Sure That the Blades Are in the Good State

Often blades of the mower lose their sharpness after being unused for many days. So, before spring, check the mower attentively and ensure that the blades are still sharp.

Last but not least, don’t forget to clean the mower on the top side. Many people change different parts of the mower in advance to keep it handy when required. So, you, too, can consider buying durable products, and for that, you can look up Briggs and Stratton parts for sale at the end of winter. Besides, if you think any part of the mower needs to be changed, change it before the spring comes. 

Ester Adams is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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