5 Things To Consider When Upgrading To Double Glazed Windows


Replacing your old and worn windows with double glazed ones is a smart decision. It can provide many benefits to your home and is known to be an effective way to boost your property value. Create a warmer, safer, and more stylish home with this advanced window feature.

However, before you carry through with this home improvement project, know that some homeowners feel like it’s tough to undertake the entire window replacement process. Hence, it’s essential to know more information about double glazed windows. It’s also important to note that the benefits of double glazed windows outweighs the necessary investment, making it a viable step to improve your home.

Before you upgrade your windows, consider the following essential factors:

1. Styles And Forms

There’s no need to match windows and doors within your home when replacing them. Thanks to the many window styles and forms offered by the industry, mixing and matching are made possible today. However, when choosing your double-glazed windows, ensure that the style or form is suitable for the structure of your home. You can talk to experts and ask for recommendations. It would help if you get familiar with the different types of windows used commonly in homes.

You may also decide on which styles or shapes to utilize for the different locations of your home. A wide range of casement options is available, including side- and top-opening styles. Tilt & turn windows are also a good option for securing ventilation and making cleaning easy.

2. Window Installer

Small, local window and door installers may save you money over choosing large national companies. When you think of it, the latter companies actually use up a lot of their costs to pay for advertisements, marketing, and transportation efforts. Not to mention, they create a lot of impact on the internet, requiring them to designate a portion of their installation fees for marketing.

When you go local, you will receive more individualized attention. You can help local companies grow and save more costs, making it a win-win situation for the installer and yourself. A local consultant can assess your windows right away as soon as you communicate and schedule your preferred time together.

3. Window Replacement Materials

master in protective gloves, changing a double-glazed window in

Another thing to consider is the materials to use for your window replacements. Unplasticised Poly Vinyl Chloride (uPVC) is a popular choice for replacement windows in many countries today. They promise outstanding performance, easy installation, as well as aesthetic value. However, if you prefer traditional looks and timber outcomes, sash window materials are available for your selection. These windows have traditional welded joints with woodgrain finishes, mimicking the look and feel of wooden windows, but with all the advantages of modern uPVC windows.

If you want to emphasize minimalistic home design and slimline frames, you may opt for aluminum windows. This is also becoming more popular today, especially for contemporary residences. And lastly, you can choose timber windows if you still want to use conventional wooden materials. They look great on townhouses and traditional-designed houses. No matter what material you choose, be sure that they should suit your home theme and provide satisfaction to your home needs.

4. Security

Don’t forget to ask the double-glazing companies about window security features. Not all windows and doors come with double glazing as standard. You will have to inquire whether the windows you chose come with the double-glazing security features that you want. In the long run, choosing the highest upgrade will yield more savings.

5. Energy-Efficiency Feature

Currently, many homeowners who want to replace their windows have draughty window frames. It’s time to replace them with thermal windows that promise energy efficiency. Professional window installers ensure the placements of these windows to maximize energy efficiency in your home. No spaces, gaps, or areas will let your thermostat work harder to keep your home warmer.

There are multi-chambered frames on some uPVC windows that keep the cold air outside and the warm air inside. Some windows use thermal break technology to ensure heat retention. Depending on your preference, glazed coatings are capable of providing thermal performance. You can go for double glazed to triple glazed window glasses to make them more energy-efficient.


Your energy bill can be reduced by hundreds of dollars every year by upgrading to double glazed windows and doors. It is essential to ensure that the company you choose is reliable and the windows you buy are made of high quality and suitable materials that match your home’s aesthetic requirements. They should also ensure security and keep your utility bills reduced due to their energy efficiency.



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