Why Your Home Needs Well Water Solutions


People in many regions worldwide are unaware that they can obtain fresh, clean drinking water from below their feet. They can, however, tap into these underground water reserves by installing a water well for their home.

According to the Bureau of Reclamation, more than half the population in the United States gets their water from groundwater. The statistic alone makes one ponder why so many have opted for this solution at home.

Fortunately, there are many benefits to consider for having a well water solution. Continue reading here to find out why you should contemplate getting one for your home:

Using well water is convenient

A correctly installed water well should provide an almost endless water supply to the home. For this reason, many consider it more convenient than receiving water from local suppliers. Even when there is a water crisis or issues with the local system, the well will continue delivering.

Furthermore, water well owners can prepare for power outages by having Epp Well Solutions emergency well hand pumps or similar devices. Solutions like these keep the water flowing in even the most remote areas where there is no power for electric pumps. It, therefore, makes a water well very convenient to use.

Tap water could be harmful

Although tap water should be safe to consume, some parts of the world still report contaminants in their water. Water from a well could be cleaner than the above-ground sources and is less susceptible to pollutants.

Research by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains that some different harmful chemicals and germs could affect drinking water sources:

  • Chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides from nearby farmlands
  • Industrial animal farms with concentrated feeding operations
  • Manufacturing plants that leak chemicals into rivers or streams
  • Sewer overflows due to increases in stormwater flow
  • Large concentrations of wildlife using a water source
  • Arsenic, radon, and uranium could be naturally present in some rock formations
  • Cracking of water pipes or other parts of the distribution system

Natural water basins like lakes, dams, and rivers naturally gather effluents while exposed to the air and surrounding environment. On the contrary, the earth’s layers around groundwater protect it and could act as a filter.

It could save your household costs

It could save your household costs 

Utility costs will undoubtedly vary depending on where the home is situated. Furthermore, with the rising cost of living worldwide, families are choosing more budget-friendly options to get by. It could include installing a water well to save on their monthly bills.

An article by The Guardian reports that almost 1.3 million households in New York are two or more months behind on their utilities. Though this city is one of the leading business capitals in the world, it doesn’t exempt them from paying their dues for utilities.

Because water wells don’t connect to local water suppliers, it is thus not included on the utility bill. Essentially, homeowners can use as much water as they need without worrying about extra expenses.

It is freely available in most regions

Most earth’s landmasses will have some form of groundwater beneath them, making it an abundant source. Before enlisting the help of contractors to install the well, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Consult with the local authorities regarding permissions or permits needed.
  • Invest in high-quality equipment for the electrical or hand pumps.
  • Contact a reputable contractor to determine the groundwater level and the best location for the water well.

Not being connected to the primary utility grid allows families to install the well where they need it most. The US also has many knowledgeable contractors to assist with all the homeowner’s water well questions and concerns. Moreover, a quick online search could lead to multiple sources of information about the best ones in the area.

Water wells have an extensive lifespan

On average, water wells could last around thirty to fifty years. However, some variables could shorten or lengthen its lifespan, according to InspectAPedia. In one of their articles, they list the following:

  • The general geographic location of the well installation
  • Local geography and groundwater conditions
  • Seasonal fluctuations of the underground reservoir
  • Type of well, whether hand-dug or made with a drill
  • Kinds of minerals and their levels in the surrounding rock and soil

Furthermore, the World Meteorological Organization mentions additional factors that could affect the lifespan as being natural water-related disasters:

  • Flooding
  • Drought
  • Landslides
  • Melting glaciers
  • High winds

Fortunately, most contractors will know more about the specific region and its challenges. They will then advise homeowners on the best way forward to further expand the lifespan of their wells.

Final words

Water is a life-giving substance that everyone needs. Looking at all the benefits of well water solutions, it becomes clear why so many moved over to this source. With the right contractor by your side, you could have clean, clear water for many years.


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