Why are so many People Installing Bifacial Solar Panels?


Most solar panels have solar cells on a single side, while bifacial solar panels utilize both sides of the plate, allowing it to absorb more solar energy. Employing solar cells on the rear of the panels allows the panels to absorb two different types of sunlight known as albedo light and incident light.

Typical solar panels don’t have solar cells on the back panel so they can’t capture a secondary source of energy from the sun, while a bifacial panel can. Bifacial solar panels capture light that reflects off the ground, helping the device increase its solar production. Although these rear panels are less efficient in comparison to those facing directly at the sun, these panels are ideal for a white rooftop, or water surfaces.

They are Durable

Businesses and homeowners, especially those who are involved in agriculture, will want to invest in a solar panel that lasts for decades. They don’t want to have to replace old panels with new ones on a regular basis. They need a system that retains its structural integrity and produces an efficient amount of energy for several years without problems.

Compared to other solar panels that have a conventional back sheet, the glass on the back of a bifacial panel is stronger and more durable. Most bifacial solar panels on the market are able to withstand strong storms and other severe weather conditions.

If Lack of Space is a Problem, Don’t Worry

Installing a lot of solar panels can cause a lot of headaches, especially if you have a limited amount of space to work with. However, installing bifacial panels is a little easier because you can use ground mounts. Although you can still use roof mounts, by installing these panels with ground mounts you can help maximize production and space them further apart from each other. Rooftop panels are almost always installed next to each other, to get the most out of the available space. If the panels were installed alongside each other, they won’t be able to reflect much light on the backside.

For those who have a lot of space on their land, bifacial panels are a great investment. Plus, there are ways of controlling the amount of light that gets reflected. There are lots of different types of materials that people use to increase the amount of light the back panel gets. Some like to put sand or white rocks on the ground behind the panel, to help boost the amount of albedo light it gets.  Be sure to consult with Blue Raven Solar for assistance.

30-year Warranty

Most bifacial solar panel manufacturers are so confident with the durability of their panels, that they often offer their customers an extended warranty. Most conventional solar panels offer a 25-year warranty, while you can expect a 30-year warranty when you invest in bifacial panels. If you are looking for a solar panel system that lasts a long time and produces plenty of energy, then these panels might prove to be a worthwhile invention.

How Should You Install Bifacial Modules?

Finding the best location to install your bifacial solar panels is vital. A lot of people like to install them on their roofs, similar to the way mono facial models are installed. However, you won’t be able to maximize the amount of sun reflected onto the panel by installing it on a roof. Installing it on a dark roof won’t help, however, if the roof has a lighter color, such as white or silver, then more energy will be produced, allowing the solar panel to absorb more energy.

When you are installing the system, make sure that there is nothing in the way of the panel. Avoid installing the panels on a black surface.

  • Vertical Installation: Plenty of people install their bifacial panels vertically. Making sure the angle is correct is important, so that both panels can capture energy.
  • Horizontal Installation: The other method of installation is when people install them in a straight position. This is when they are installed on a flat surface in the ground. If the surface is not flat, there is a good chance that the system will fall off and get damaged. Keep in mind that a lot of the panel is made of glass, and it is likely to break if it falls.


Unfortunately, there are a few disadvantages when purchasing a bifacial solar panel system. One of the main issues people face is the weight of the panels. Before mounting these panels on your roof, make sure that the roof can handle these extremely heavy panels. Because they are so heavy to lift, it could prove extremely challenging to take them off the roof. Before you have solar panels installed on the roof of your home or office, consider speaking to a trained professional first. They will examine your roof and see if it can hold a bifacial solar panel system.

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