Why and How to Stay Cool During the Hot Climate


Australia has several climates because of its size. The states in the north tend to experience warmer and more tropical climates. Their summers can be hot and humid while their winters can be warm and dry. Those in the south tend to experience the opposite. They may even get rainy winters. However, there comes a time when the heat can be too much for Australians regardless of where they are. For example, the highest temperature Australia had was in Oodnadatta, which is actually in South Australia. Such heat is dangerous to health. A good quality wall mounted air conditioner can, therefore, save a trip to the doctor when the mercury climbs again.

The Dangers of Excessive Heat

Excessive heat can be life-threatening. According to the Australian Medical Association, over 500 deaths occur in Australia because of heat stress. The AMA even declared climate change as a health emergency. AMA president Tony Bartone stated that higher mortality and morbidity would come from heat stress.

The human body has an average optimal temperature of around 37°C. It has ways to maintain this number if the environmental temperature climbs or dips. For example, if it gets too hot, you sweat. When your sweat evaporates, it has a cooling effect on your body. However, the human body can only do so much. If you stay in elevated temperatures for too long, your body may be unable to keep up, and you experience heat stress. Your body can keep sweating until it runs out of fluids and electrolytes. Eventually, a heat stroke occurs. Without treatment, a heat stroke can lead to death.

The dangers of excessive heat extend beyond heat strokes. The higher temperatures can facilitate the transmission of vector-borne diseases and even mental illnesses.

Keep Yourselves Cool

There are plenty of ways to keep yourself cool. If you have to go outside, avoid excessive exertion. Running on the field is not the best idea during a heatwave. Drink lots of fluids to restore those that you lost, even if you do not feel thirsty. Alcohol and sugary drinks are a no-no. Be also careful when drinking cold beverages, as you may experience stomach cramps. Stay in the shade by bringing an umbrella or wearing a hat. Wear light, breathable clothes.

When it is scorching outside, though, the most ideal you can do is stay indoors. Fans may not be enough. You can keep the temperature at home or even just in a certain room with a wall mounted air conditioner. If you are thinking of installing one, keep in mind that different air conditioners work best for certain rooms. For example, a 28 to 33 square metre room can benefit from a wall mounted air conditioner with 8,000 British Thermal Units or BTU.  A unit with a smaller BTU for this room size will suffer, while a unit with a larger BTU may be overkill.

Having a wall mounted air conditioner 2 to 3 metres above the floor is also advantageous. Cold air is heavier, so it goes down as your unit releases it. This movement allows better air circulation and evening out the temperature of the room. 

Australian summers occur between December and February. You, therefore, have plenty of time to prepare yourselves for possible scorching temperatures. You can keep your home and family safer if you have a reliable air conditioner. The extra money you spend on a good unit is money you save from medical bills due to heat-related illnesses.

Author bio: Helen Harry is a freelance writer and a GOT fan. Apart from writing Technologies, she likes to read & write fiction. More than anything, she loves to spend her time with her family, explaining technologies to the elders.

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