What You Need to Know about Acl Reconstruction in Singapore


Acl reconstruction is a surgical procedure used to repair the knee’s anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). It involves replacing the damaged ACL with a new graft from another part of the patient’s body, such as a bone from their thigh or arm. Acl reconstruction in Singapore is common among athletes who are involved in contact sports such as football and soccer. The surgery is also sometimes recommended for patients who have suffered recurrent ACL injuries and for those with genetic conditions that cause instability of the knee joint.

What is Acl Reconstruction

Acl reconstruction is a surgical procedure used to repair the knee’s anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). It involves replacing the damaged ACL with a new graft from another part of the patient’s body, such as a bone from their thigh or arm. acl reconstruction in Singapore is common among athletes who are involved in contact sports such as football and soccer. The surgery is also sometimes recommended for patients who have suffered recurrent ACL injuries and for those with genetic conditions that cause instability of the knee joint.

It is an open surgical procedure, typically performed under general anesthesia. In some cases, it may be performed as an outpatient procedure with sedation or local anesthesia. The operation takes about 1-3 hours to perform, often resulting in full weight-bearing use of the leg within 24 hours after surgery.

Who can benefit from Acl Reconstruction?

Acl reconstruction is a relatively simple surgery and can be done by many orthopedic surgeons. However, there are some specific conditions and situations that warrant this procedure for which it’s typically recommended.

Who can benefit from Acl Reconstruction

People who suffer recurrent ACL injuries are recommended to have an ACL reconstruction as it can help prevent re-injury by restoring stability to the joint following the initial injury. People with genetic disorders such as Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, or osteogenesis imperfecta may also benefit from an ACL reconstruction in Singapore. In the case of these diseases, the ACL becomes too flexible and non-functional because there isn’t enough structural support in the knee joint.

The Procedure

Acl reconstruction is a surgical procedure that takes about an hour to complete. It begins with the patient lying on their back and being given a local anesthetic. After numbing the area, the surgeon will make a small incision in the skin above the knee and use a saw or scalpel to cut through it. Next, a small hole is made near the top of the femur bone on one side of the joint. A metal plate is then inserted into this hole and secured to muscle tissue using screws that attach it to the bone. The ACL reconstruction in Singapore procedure continues with cutting through and removing any damaged ligament from inside the knee joint. The surgeon will then insert a graft from an iliac crest (the bony part of your hipbone) or patellar tendon graft into this incision and secure it to muscle tissue using screws. Finally, sutures are used to close off any remaining skin around the knee joint and/or incisions.

Recovery and rehabilitation

In order to recover from an ACL reconstruction in Singapore, patients will have to follow a strict rehabilitation program that may require up to six months of physical therapy. The first two weeks following the surgery typically involve immobilization and crutches. Patients are usually able to return to light activity six weeks after their surgery, though they may not be ready for full physical activity until 12 weeks after the procedure.

To prevent future ACL injuries or other knee injuries, patients must change their training methods in order to avoid any risk factors that can cause further damage. For example, they should avoid jumping while wearing cleats, practice landing on one leg, and refrain from playing sports that involve high-impact contacts such as football or soccer.


Acl reconstruction is a surgical procedure to repair the knee’s anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). It is recommended if the knee is unstable or painful when weight-bearing. The risk of re-rupture and return to surgery is low.

After an ACL reconstruction, a patient may need to stay overnight in the hospital. The operation can be done as day surgery, or a patient may need to stay overnight in the hospital. There are a few steps to recovery and rehabilitation, including wearing a brace for three weeks, icing for 15 minutes every two hours, and taking it easy for three weeks

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