What to Do Before Movers Come? 7 Useful Moving Day Tips Worth Considering


Are you moving to a new home soon and feeling overwhelmed? Trust us, we know that packing up your whole life can be an intimidating task. But don’t worry! First of all, make sure to have an arrangement with a trusted moving company such as puremovers.com that will take care of all the tasks on the relocation day. And before the movers come over, there are some important steps you can take independently to make the whole process easier and smoother. Keep reading for all the details and start planning your successful move!

How to Prepare for Movers: 7 Simple Steps

Step #1: Donate and sell items

Relocating can be quite daunting, but with the right mindset and preparation, the process can get much smoother. One of the tips on how to prepare for movers is to consider donating or selling items that you no longer need or use. By reducing the number of possessions that must be transported, you will save on packaging and transportation costs while simultaneously helping those in need. Reducing clutter will also make packing more efficient and help you adjust to your new space quicker.

Step #2: Pack your items and label boxes

Pack your items and label boxes

To make the move-in process as smooth and efficient as possible, you need to start packing your items ahead of time. Carefully taking the time to organize and label boxes means that once the movers arrive, they can handle transporting without any confusion. Labeling will also make unpacking at your new place much easier since you won’t need to search through every box to locate your items.

Step #3: Plan for small children and pets

It is important to keep in mind that small children and pets will be present during the move. One of the best moving day tips is to have a plan in place for where you will go. Will someone be watching them during the move? If so, does this person know what to do before movers come and after it? It is also a good idea to make sure that all pet food and supplies are readily available and easily accessible.

Step #4: Prepare the furniture

Seeing to it that your furniture is properly secured and padded will prevent any unnecessary damage during the relocation. Taking the time to clean and dust off your furniture before wrapping and covering it is incredibly beneficial. It can be also helpful to inspect pieces of furniture thoroughly to identify any already existing damages. For extra guarantees, take pictures as documented proof of any preexisting blemishes. Arriving at your new home with furniture free of dust and dings is certainly ideal after a move.

Step #5: Take care of things movers won’t move

Before movers arrive, it is, among all else, important to take the necessary precautions and adequately plan for them. This means removing any hazardous materials or items that need to be left behind — these can include combustible, flammable, or corrosive items such as paint and chemicals, as well as ammunition, large appliances, and plants. You should likewise empty most drawers and remove clothing from closets so that the furniture can be safely transported.

Step #6: Clear the path for movers

Another important step that should be taken before movers arrive is clearing the path in your home to ensure they can easily get the items from room to room. Moving furniture and other things safely requires space, so removing any clutter or obstructions makes for smooth sailing. Besides, having a clear workspace gives movers an understanding of where they can put items before they bring them to the truck.

Step #7: Provide movers with parking instructions

Last but not least, one of the great moving day tips is to provide your movers with clear parking instructions. If you can designate a marked area for their vehicle to park, unloading and loading belongings will be easier and faster overall. Contacting local law agencies or parking control if needed and acquiring any necessary permits that may be required should also be taken into account when planning your move. Preparation is key so see to it that you understand and attend to all parking needs to create a smoother relocation experience.

Wrapping Up

So here you have it — seven simple tips on how to prepare for movers. Take time to get organized, label things correctly, and prepare the furniture beforehand to make the process smoother. Above all else remember that movers do this day in and day out — they are the professionals! Lean on them for support if needed for any questions regarding the relocation day! We hope that this article has eased any confusion you may have had when thinking about what needs to be done before the due date. Good luck with your upcoming move and happy packing!

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