What Size Ducted Air Conditioner Do I Need


Split air conditioners are great and many people buy them in Australia. They offer so many different features and options that have made these systems more and more power-efficient over the years. However, no matter how effective and efficient these systems have gotten over the years if you have a large house that you want to centrally air condition, having a multi-split air conditioning system is not very convenient. You’ll have to maintain 4 to 5 different air conditioning units, and split systems also take a large amount of wall space. Therefore, if you have a large house or workplace, then you should be going for a ducted air conditioning system. Because the great thing about a ducted air conditioning system is that there is only one central air conditioning unit that is doing all the cooling. The system is connected with a duct that runs throughout the house, opening into rooms/portions via vents. You just have to maintain one unit, unlike split air conditioning systems. However, it is recommended to go for this system only if your house has pre-existing ductwork because getting new ductwork installed is a big hassle. This is the reason in Australia, why properties with existing ductwork seal for much more because these houses are perfect for ducted setups. Anyways, if you plan to buy a ducted air conditioning system but don’t know what size and capacity to go for and how do you calculate the required cooling capacity for your house, you’re at the right post, so keep reading!

Things you have to prepare and bear in mind before buying the right Ducted Air Conditioning System

1. Ductwork

Even though it is recommended to go for a ducted air conditioning system only if your house has ductwork done in it. However, if there is no ductwork done in your house, and you still want to go for a ducted system, then you can get your house examined and ducted before buying a ducted air conditioning system. Also, make sure your house is spacious enough for a ducted air conditioning system. Because, when the ducts are congested and not properly organized, this causes suffocation in the central air conditioning unit, which leads to higher electricity bills and also lessens the life of the system.

Moreover, if you have pre-existing ductwork in your house, make sure it’s well insulated and there are no leaks or damages in the ducts. These leaks often go unnoticed but on average, a leaking duct leaks more than 20% of air. So, it is better to get your duct leakages sealed and insulated beforehand rather than paying the full electricity bill for receiving less than 80% of the air. And there is one mistake many ducted system owners make. They cover leakages with duct tape, and duct tape shouldn’t be used on ducts. Instead, go for a mastic sealer for sealing your ducts effectively.

Because ducts bring air from outside, it also brings in the dirt with it, which gets stuck on its walls. If these ducts don’t get cleaned frequently, they’ll attract a layer of dust and other contaminants, which can flow along with the air inside your, make your house look dirty and full of germs. Also, get your ducts serviced regularly to ensure the longevity of your ducted cooling system.

Now that you are aware of all the things you should know about ductwork, here’s how you decide what size and capacity of ducted air conditioner you require.

2. Measuring your house

To decide what size of ducted air conditioner you want, it is important to measure the area that you want to cool. So start by measuring the length and width of each room/portion and multiple the length and width of each room to get the area of each room. Next, add up the areas of every room to get the total area of your house. If you know the total area of your house beforehand, you don’t need to make these calculations.

3. Calculate Squares

Now that you have your house’s total area, you have to calculate the number of squares in your house. Because one kilowatt of cooling capacity equals one square. To calculate the number of squares, divide the area of your house by 9.29. For example, if the area of your house is 300 square metres, then divide it by 9.29, you’ll get 33.3 squares, which means you’ll need a 30 to 35 KW ducted air conditioning system. You can use this method to size a ducted air conditioning system for your house. Ducted air conditioners come in many refrigerating capacities, and you have to choose what’s best for your house using these calculations.

4. Star Ratings

Ducted air conditioning systems consume more power than split air conditioning systems, which is the reason why when you go to buy a ducted system, you make sure that you buy the most power-efficient system for the money so that you save on electricity bills. Star ratings are a parameter to rate ducted air conditioners on their power efficiency. The higher the star rating of a ducted system is, the more power-efficient it will be and the more electricity it will save. Ducted air conditioners come with different star ratings, from 3 stars to 7 stars. The 7-star rating has only been achieved so far by Daikin’s US7 air conditioner. Depending upon the star rating of your ducted air conditioner, you can save up to 40% on electricity bills. But yes, do keep in mind that the higher the star rating, the higher will be the cost of the air conditioner. But because you can cover up the extra cost in a few years, going for an efficient system is worth it.

These are the factors that will help you decide the right size ducted air conditioner for your house and we hope we helped you make an informed decision.

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