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What Is An Electrical Safety Inspection And Why Do You Need One?

What Is An Electrical Safety Inspection And Why Do You Need One

Safety is super important. Whether it’s at work, at home, on the road or walking to the shops. It always pays to play it safe.

Even if you’re the most careful, considerate and cautious person in the whole world, there are billions of other people out there, and just as many vehicles, tripping hazards and other potential risks.

In this article, we’re going to focus on explaining what an electrical safety inspection is, and why you may need one.

What is an Electrical Safety Inspection?

Put simply, it is an inspection by a qualified, licensed and insured electrician to inspect a premises (commercial, residential or industrial) for electrical safety.

This may include inspecting and assessing circuitry and wiring systems, as well as checked for out of date wiring which may need an upgrade.

It also involves testing power points, lighting fixtures/fittings and smoke alarms. It could also involve inspecting security systems and cameras, inspecting the meter box and checking for hazards like exposed wiring.

An electrical safety inspection might also check for Do It Yourself wiring jobs – we’ll explain why not to DIY any electrical work later.

Why Do You Need One?

There are a few reasons why you might need an electrical safety inspection.

Electricity is a modern convenience, but in its raw, unharnessed state it’s extremely dangerous. Death from electrocution is a very real possibility when wiring isn’t installed properly or is done as a DIY job by an unqualified homeowner.

Also, wiring faults or powerpoint faults can result in fires, which at the very least can ruin your property and all its contents, and at the very worst result in death or severe injury. If you are a business owner you could face liability for running an unsafe workplace.

A smoke alarm inspection is also vital for health and safety in any setting because we rely on working smoke alarms to alert us of fires.

You might consider engaging an electrician to conduct a safety inspection if you are considering purchasing any form of property – from residential, to commercial or industrial.

Another situation that you might need an inspection, is if you own an older home and you’re not sure if all your wiring and circuits are safe. Sometimes peace of mind is worth the cost of the inspection. It pays to play it safe.

Test and tag services are also required for workplaces, so if you’re a business owner this can be an aspect of electrical safety that you should consider. This means that all electrical appliances, from phone chargers to microwaves, are tested for safety.

How To Choose an Electrician to Conduct an Inspection

You’ll want to pick an electrician or company that is fully qualified, fully insured and fully accredited according to the relevant industry standards of your country or state.

This is not an area you should DIY or engage unqualified or unlicensed tradespeople in, for reasons detailed above.

Ask the companies about their credentials, and also check out Google or Facebook reviews – word of mouth can be a great tool to find an electrician.

Summing Up

In this article, we’ve explained what an electrical safety inspection is, and what it entails. We’ve also described what is checked when a qualified and licensed electrician conducts an inspection. Additionally, we’ve outlined the hazards and dangers of DIY or unlicensed electrical work. So, when purchasing any type of property, or if you live in an older home, you should definitely approach a credentialed electrician to conduct a safety inspection for you.

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