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6 Tricks You Never Knew You Needed to Get Guaranteed Google Page 1 Ranking

6 Tricks You Never Knew You Needed to Get Guaranteed Google Page 1 Ranking

You can’t put more emphasis on the importance of getting that first-page ranking on Google. With only 0.78% of Google searchers clicking results from the second page, it has become a stiff competition among websites to get to page one where there’s more opportunity for exposure, clicks, and conversions.

But when you’re competing against millions for that spot, how do you get guaranteed Google page 1 ranking?

6 Simple Tricks to Getting Higher Rankings on Google

1. Get your keywords right

Keyword research is a basic SEO strategy, but a lot of businesses still fail to pinpoint the exact keywords that could help them rank higher on Google search results. Here’s the thing: big brands are already dominating generic keywords because they have the money and resources to launch extensive SEO campaigns. So, if you can’t compete against them, dominate with long-tail keywords instead where there are less competition and more opportunities to get guaranteed Google page 1 ranking.  Hop over to these guys to find out more great insight!

A lot of people these days are more specific with their searches, which is why 50% of search queries contain four or more words. This means that long-tail keywords are gaining more leverage because they offer more specific information as compared to short-tail keywords that are more generic.

2. Let Google know your keywords

Ranking a website doesn’t end with good keyword research. If you want to get to that first page, you need to let Google know what keywords you’re using to make it easier for its bots to crawl, index, and rank your website.

To do that, you need to place your keywords in your meta titles (which appear at the top of your page and on the page’s listing on organic search results) and your meta descriptions (which offer short descriptions of your pages’ content). You can also add your keywords in your URL to help Google identify your page’s content more quickly and on alt-tags for bots to recognize your images.

3. Write more relevant blog posts

If you’re taking the long-tail keyword strategy, you have to make sure that you’re putting your keywords in more content rather than stuffing them in one, which could cause you to be penalized. Fresh, relevant, and informative content is one of the best ways to get SEO first page guaranteed rankings even if you’re not as big as the mammoth brands.

The trick here is to always write for humans first. Although you want to rank higher, you must make sure that your content is easy to read, useful, and informative enough that people would want to read and share it. If you’re using long-tail keywords, searchers would expect your content to contain the specific information that they’re looking for, so make sure that you meet them.

It’s also very important to write more content so that Google can index more of your pages and bring more traffic to your website. If the competition is writing more than 10 posts a month, you have to do more than that. But you also need to do more than just 500-word content. Write in-depth blog posts that offer relevant information that’s easy to digest.

4. Work on your Google business profile

You already know the importance of having a Google business listing, but what you could be missing is the part where you can optimize that profile to get the most visibility possible. The more information you provide on your Google My Business profile, the higher your chance is to show on the first page in local searches.

It’s very important to keep your company name and brand consistent throughout all platforms. Something as simple as writing “Company” on one profile and “Co.” on the other can already affect your credibility and rankings.

You should also update your information regularly to make sure that customers get the right address, email, and phone number whenever they search for your business. Any old or misleading information could easily build distrust, so you need to update your profile of any changes in your business information.

You also need to do the same with your photos because they add credibility to your business and offer customers a glimpse of what they can expect once they visit your store or buy your products.

Work with an agency that offers an SEO money back guarantee to help you work on not only your website but also your business profile.

5. Optimise your website for mobile

You can’t miss the opportunity to get guaranteed Google page 1 ranking just because your website is not optimized for mobile. With 52.2% of all web traffic coming from mobile phones, you need to make your website is more responsive to work on all screen sizes, while still offering the same experience as desktop users.

According to research, getting ranked first on mobile gets you 27.7% of clicks as compared to getting ranked first on desktop, which only gets you 19.3% of clicks.

6. Invest in user experience

It’s not enough that your website is optimized for mobile users. If you want to enjoy a guaranteed first-page ranking, you have to invest in user experience. This means making sure that your website has intuitive navigation, you have well-placed content, and your calls to action are clear enough. The more you invest in a great user experience, the more time your visitors will stay on your website and keep coming back later. Consistent traffic will give Google a good signal that your website is credible so you can rank on the first page more.

The Bottomline

Ranking on the first page of Google takes a lot of hard work, time, and even money. But since it’s now one of the most important factors in successful digital marketing, it’s an investment that is going to benefit your business for a very long time.

The good news is, you don’t have to do everything by yourself because you can always work with an agency that can give you a guaranteed SEO page with its expertise and experience in this area.

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