What Consulting Firms Need to Know about Health and Hygiene Practices


Consulting firms are undoubtedly the superheroes of the business world. From new enterprises to underperforming companies, single entrepreneurs to entire organizations, many businesses rely on consultants. By the nature of their work, consultants work with various clients and may visit multiple sites every day.

For this reason, they need to pay perhaps more attention to health and hygiene practices than other types of businesses. Read on to learn why health and hygiene practices are important for consulting firms, and how they can best implement them.

Why is Workplace Hygiene Important?

The average employee spends no less than eight hours a day in the office. So without a doubt, it is essential that where you spend almost one-third of your week is hygienic. Here are some of the many benefits that come from working in a hygienic consultancy firm:

  • It promotes good health among employees and clients alike.
  • That, in turn, ensures a reduction in the amount of employee sick leave.
  • Simultaneously, you will notice a boost in productivity around your workplace.
  • Last but not the least, hygienic workspaces create a good impression for visitors and potential clients.

Which Areas in Your Office Need Cleaning?

While you should clean every part of your office, some spots require more attention than others. Let’s consider them because it may be news to you that some of these areas need frequent cleaning!

  • Door Handles: We often do not think twice about these, but door handles are among the most frequently touched objects in the office so can harbor bacteria and viruses.
  • Office Phones: It’s common knowledge that employees handle phones throughout the day, particularly in busy consultancy firms.
  • Office Desks: Employees sit at their desks all day, and often eat here too, leading to an accumulation of dirt and germs.
  • Keyboard and Mouse: Apart from phones, employees use their desktops and laptops constantly. So without a doubt, these need a thorough cleaning.

How to Keep your Consultancy Firm Clean

There is no denying that cleanliness is vital for everyone, be it in your personal or professional life. If your offices are clean, employees are satisfied with their environment and will stay longer with your firm, reducing staff turnover. Here are some of the most effective health and hygiene policies and procedures for consulting firms.

Hygiene Policy

It is important to not only have a formal hygiene policy but also to provide your staff with a written statement of the policy. Educate your team on the policy and its importance: this shows how seriously you take hygiene, and tells your employees that they should too.

Keep Bathrooms Clean

Since your employees spent considerable time at work, it is essential for all sites to have meticulously clean bathrooms. Additionally, you should ensure that bathrooms are well stocked with all the essentials such as tissue, air-fresheners, hand wash, soap, and is kept clean throughout the day.

Have a Waste Disposal System

It is the firm’s responsibility to set up an effective waste management system. Rubbish and recycling bins should be placed around the site, and emptied regularly.

Set-Up Different Zones for Eating and Cleaning

It is essential to have designated areas for eating that are separate from work areas, to discourage employees from eating at their desks. This is not only a hygiene nightmare, but it also negatively impacts on employees’ wellbeing and productivity. Be sure to also have a separate smoking area to protect others from second-hand smoke.

Install Hand Sanitizers

In many consultancy firms these days, you’ll find hand sanitizers in the restrooms. However, to keep your firm more hygienic, you should install sanitizers around your office, especially at the door. This will allow your clients and employees to develop the habit of cleaning before entering the office.

Top-to-Bottom Cleaning

As the name suggests, this involves cleaning every part of the office including air-vents, windows, walls, pipes, and other forgotten spots. All too often, we may clean the floors and other common spots, but leave other areas untouched. Top-to-bottom cleaning should be done every two or three days, and equipment that is used daily like phones, tables, and chairs should be cleaned multiple times a day. Top to bottom cleaning avoids cross-contamination, which is necessary to protect the health of all employees and visitors.

The Bottom Line

When you keep your premises clean, you do so not only for yourself but also for your clients and other visitors. You cannot afford to create a negative impression for your clients, nor can you afford to compromise the health and safety of your employees, especially during these unprecedented times.

Now you understand the importance of hygiene, don’t hesitate to put this into practice. It will keep your employees healthy, your clients happy, and help your business to be successful.

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