What are the Benefits of Choosing a Design and Build Team for my Renovation Project?


Congratulations! You’re ready to get the ball rolling on your house renovation… but who is the ‘right’ builder for your job? Should you sign up with a design and build team or manage the whole project yourself?

Here are some tips from Combit Construction, house renovation company in North London:

While your building project is an exciting journey, it can also be a stressful and emotional one: the technical jargon can be complex, plans may be confusing and there are enough nightmare stories out there of ‘renovations-gone-wrong’ to frighten any homeowner!

You want your project to be a success story, and so do we. We think it’s important to help you avoid those all-too-common renovation pitfalls that so many homeowners experience, and that’s why we’ve taken the time to explain the benefits of using a design and build team to manage your project from start to finish.

What is a Design and Build team and what are the benefits of choosing one?

‘Design and build’ is the term used for the process whereby one company is appointed to coordinate both the design and construction of a project. Put simply, a design and build team is a firm that has the ability and expertise to handle your house renovation project from A – Z – from initial design through to construction and project completion. It’s your one-stop renovation team, all under the same roof!

So, how can a design and build team help you with your house renovation project?

There are several advantages of using the design and build approach so read below to find out how you can make your project run more smoothly:


When considering a house renovation, homeowners generally want to get the best punch for their pound. Most clients have budget constraints, and your design and Build Company can help to establish realistic, reasonable, and achievable budgets from the get-go. They’re familiar with each area of renovating cost – design, demolition, construction and everything in between!

Working with a team who understands the project from beginning to end will help to prevent nasty budget blow-outs and allow you to achieve results above and beyond what you ever anticipated!

Your design and build team has the buying power and contacts to ensure that the materials and appliances needed in your project are purchased at the best possible prices, also helping to minimize the hit to your back pocket.

One Contract

The paperwork that comes with a house renovation project can be mind-blowing. The design and build approach will help to reduce this aspect of your build – there’s just one contract to sign, rather than individual contracts for everyone involved in the project.

Clear Communication

As we mentioned earlier, a renovation project can be stressful, so clear, open, and accurate communication is essential. The design and build approach relieves the client of the headache of coordinating timelines, communicating directly with trades and trying to manage 101 different aspects of the project at once. Having one point of contact for the entire project is a huge advantage: it’s simple and minimizes the risk of miscommunication between designers, builders and the customer. For example, if the renovation plans must be changed slightly, your design and build team will ensure that the whole project is updated – architects, contractors and builders will all be notified through the company’s communication systems.

Increased Efficiency

There’s nothing worse than a house renovation that drags on and on! By using a design and build team you are guaranteed increased efficiency: your team can help to streamline your project by overlapping timelines and processing paperwork ahead of time.

How do I know who is a ‘Good’ Design and Build Team?

There’s no shortage of companies offering home renovation – a quick search online will reveal a list as long as your arm! But finding a reliable, honest, and credible team is quite another matter: what you need is a team you can trust; a team that cares; a team that will turn your renovation dreams into realities.


Take time to do your research. Online searches, customer reviews, testimonials and photos can tell you a lot. Visit display homes/showrooms and take note of the small details – cosmetic finishes, quality of workmanship etc are a good indication of the attitude and commitment of the builder.

Word-of-mouth recommendations are worth their weight in gold – speak to others who have used the builder and ask them about their experience.

Combit Construction offers a complete design and build experience for home renovators in North London. Our team has the experience, skill and practical know-how to turn your renovation dreams become practical living spaces that can be enjoyed for many years to come!

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