Useful Tips for Cleaning your Drains


Drains and proper drainage are critical installations in every home, so taking good care of them is highly recommended. The drainage system involves intricate pipes linking the shower, sink, appliances, and toilet that prevent clogged drains, poor drainage, and similar problems; it is essential to establish a clear exit path for the water entering the home. Property owners should also be wary of the potential problems caused by seasonal changes in the weather and their effect on the plumbing fixtures. The aspects include cooler temperatures, heavy rains, and fallen leaves.   High Quality Drain Cleaning is ready to offer Service Emperor Heating, Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Electrical & More. Whether the toilet is clogged or the tree roots damage the pipes. The crew is aware that time is of the essence and will work quickly and accurately to resolve all issues. Here are 5 valuable tips for cleaning your drains and to avail of a professional hydro jet drain cleaning service, click the link. 

1. Eliminate potential drain clogs

Blockages and build-up of various materials slow the draining of the sink, toilet, and shower. Before any of these problems arise, you are best advised to clean the drain as a preventative measure. Begin the process by choosing the right multipurpose or standard plunger that can be used to unclog the bathtubs, sinks, and toilets. When using the plunger, ensure there’s sufficient water on the drain to create the appropriate seal. Other preventative methods of clearing the drain include installing barbed plastic cleaning tools to capture clogging materials and using water or gas-powered cleaner to blow away stubborn materials with the potential of causing blockages. A good example is aerosol dry cleaners and water bladders that forcefully eliminate remnant materials from the drains using pressurized water.

2. Clear foul smells or odors

Odors emanating from the sink can permeate the entire home, making it uncomfortable. You can banish foul odors from your home using a simple baking soda and white vinegar mixture. The technique is also effective in clearing bacteria. Start by running hot water over the garbage disposal a couple of times a week. The same attention should apply to the bathroom drain to prevent serious clogging issues and other future problems. Another powerful technique is using biological cleaners that effectively keep the drain odor-free while preventing the build-up of dirt, grime, harmful bacteria, and mold. The selected biological cleaners or enzymatic drain cleaners should also be safe and environmentally friendly.

3. Incorporate maintenance to prevent future drain clogs 

Some standard techniques to keep the drains build-up-free include installing drain screens, avoiding greases, and regular maintenance of the drains and stoppers. You can get drain screens specially designed to prevent hair and large and small particles from moving down the drain. Place the drain screens on the showers, sinks, and bathtub for effective results. Another strategy is preventing liquid grease from moving down the drain. One way of doing this is cleaning the grease from the dishes using a paper towel before washing and rinsing. Using plenty of water and detergent can also help clear out stubborn fats from the drain. Lastly, perform regular maintenance on your drain and stoppers to achieve more lasting results. Begin by running boiled water down the drain several times a week and ensure the sink stoppers are cleaned regularly to eliminate any leftover grime, hair, and other particles. 

4. Remember to clean the garbage disposal

Besides keeping the sink clean, you do not forget the garbage disposal during the cleanup exercise. The garbage disposal is usually installed underneath the sink to collect solid food waste and then ground on a designated chamber. The appliance is vital in keeping the dishes clean and taking care of uneaten kitchen waste. You can do the cleaning faster by sprinkling half a cup of baking soda and white vinegar on the garbage disposal and flushing with hot water followed by cold water. Once the appliance is cleaned, squeeze some lemon juice down the disposal unit to keep it fresh and smelling good.

5. Know when to seek help from a plumbing expert

Failure to carry out basic drain cleaning techniques can lead to more severe problems in the future, such as clogged sewer systems. If you encounter clogging issues in your home, it is crucial to know when to call a licensed plumber to clear the problem. That can happen if the problem you have is too much to handle on your own. Always choose a plumber that offers extensive emergency services around the clock.

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