Unique Housewarming Gift Ideas for Coffee Lovers


Coffee has come a long way since its beneficial effects were discovered by accident by an Ethiopian goatherd many hundreds of years ago. From humble beginnings in Africa, coffee is now drunk in every corner of the globe and plays a vital role in waking us up in the mornings. Many of us will make a trip to a coffee shop part of our daily routine, but due to the Coronavirus pandemic times have changed, and we are being forced to drink much more coffee in the home. The beauty of coffee is that there are many different ways of making it and a multitude of accessories that can give you every style possible, so if you are looking for a house warming present for a friend or relative it makes an ideal gift.

So, here we are going to take a look at the best gift ideas for coffee lovers.

Coffee and Book Subscription

What goes hand in hand with a warm mug of coffee? A good book would be many people’s answer to this question, so why not consider a coffee and book subscription as a present for somebody moving into a new home? For a small subscription each month a new batch of freshly roasted coffee will appear on your friend’s doorstep alongside a brand new novel. Several firms offer this service and each one allows you to tailor the type of book and the type of coffee so that they will never be disappointed. At the end of a long day moving boxes around what could be better than curling up on the sofa with a good read and a steaming mug of fresh coffee?!

A Thermal Coffee Maker

Bang in vogue right now is the thermal coffee maker, as opposed to the traditional glass carafe, so this would make a perfect present for a coffee lover. The advantage of the thermal style maker is that because it has double layer walls with a vacuum between, it allows coffee to stay warmer for much longer than a traditional carafe. When choosing a thermal coffee maker it is important to consider what it will be used for because some come with portable carafes so freshly brewed coffee can be taken out into the garden, or to work with you. If you have an active friend, then this type of coffee maker is an excellent idea for a gift.

Scoop and Clip Combo

Sometimes we are looking for small presents that don’t cost the earth, as we just want to give a gift as a sign of appreciation and friendship. Well, one excellent such gift is a two in one coffee scoop and clip. The reason this works so well is that those annoying bags of half-opened coffee can be securely closed, and at the same time when you are ready to make a fresh brew you already have a scoop to hand on the end of the clip. No more scrabbling around in the kitchen drawers looking for that scoop, and your coffee stays extra fresh. That’s a win-win for me!

A Grinder

A Grinder

Some people like to take things to the next level, and one way of doing this is to grind your own coffee. If you have a friend who likes to run with the latest fads, then why not buy them a grinder so that they can experiment with different grades until they come up with the perfect mug of coffee? On a practical level, a grinder can help to make coffee as fresh as possible as it can be turned from bean to fine in moments, and on a taste level, it will leave a sensation in their mouths unmatched by traditional pre-ground coffee.

Espresso Cups

Espresso is the most common type of coffee, but people usually don’t pay attention to how it should be served. Espresso is best served in espresso coffee cups. These small size cups are also called Demitasse cups. They are specially made to hold your favorite espresso coffee. Be sure to look for Good Quality Espresso Cups.  

As we have discovered there are many coffee-related products that make excellent housewarming gifts for coffee lovers. If they like to read you have the option of a book and coffee subscription, and for someone always on the go a thermal coffee maker allows them to drink warm coffee all day long. Espresso cups will improve the taste of the classic way of drinking coffee and a scoop and clip combo is a cute way of securing those half-open bags of coffee. Let your imagination run wild and you will find the perfect coffee-related gift!

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