Types of Elevators an Elevator Sacramento CA Company Can Install


A lift or elevator refers to a vertical transport vehicle powered by counterweight systems or traction cables using electric motors, or pump hydraulic fluid, as it moves goods or people from one floor to another. Whether you have aging parents, a family member who uses a wheelchair, or you only want an easy way to move around inside the house, an elevator company in Sacramento CA can install whatever type of residential elevator you need.

In this post, you’ll learn the different types of elevators, specifically residential elevators so that you can choose the best one for you. And if you are looking for a high-quality home elevator, click the link given.

Traditional Elevators

Traditional hydraulic or traditional cable elevators are perfect as a residential elevator, offering a smooth ride and quiet operation. Also, many homeowners still prefer traditional elevators than other types. There are several finishes available like veneer, glass, raised hardwood, or melamine walls. Check nwliftsnorcal.com/ for more information.

Here are the good-to-know facts about traditional elevators:

  • The custom sizes of traditional elevators are up to 15 square feet, and standard sizes include 36 x 48 inches and 40 x 54 inches.
  • Most traditional elevators have a weight capacity of 1,000 to 1,500 pounds, traveling with a speed of 40 feet per minute and up to 6 stops (50 feet).
  • Roped hydraulic residential elevators have a hydraulic pump, which is connected to a piston (supported by a pedestal and hoisted by brackets) and pulley for a smoother ride as compared to other types of elevators.
  • Hydraulic elevators are perfect for home use because they don’t need an adjoining machine closet. A dedicated space is still necessary for the machinery, but pipes are used so you can place the machinery at a convenient location.

 Shaftless Elevator

Shaftless elevators are increasingly becoming popular among smart homes, which is an economical way of adding an elevator to your two-story home. Shaftless elevators are considered small residential elevators specifically designed to fit into your home. Also, shaftless elevators usually travel through a hole up to a balcony or the floor, and may or may not fit a wheelchair.

Here are the benefits of installing a shaftless elevator:

  • It has minimal disruption.
  • It’s an excellent alternative to a full-size traditional elevator or stairlift.
  • It’s most commonly used for mobility and convenience.
  • It has a small footprint design to fit in standard floor plans easily.
  • The installation cost is cheaper than that of a traditional elevator.

 Pneumatic Vacuum Elevators or PVE

The newest innovation when it comes to elevator design is the PVE or Pneumatic Vacuum Elevator. A PVE uses a hoist as part of the elevator’s lifting system. A PVE doesn’t need cables, pistons, chains, or counterweights.

A PVE has a tube-shaped cab in a hoistway, using parts that perfectly fit together to maintain the precise atmospheric pressure of the cab. The lifting action is caused by the reduction of pressure above the cab of the pneumatic vacuum, which causes it to rise. A control valve gradually releases pressure to create a cushion of air below the cab.

Wheelchair Lifts

If you have a disabled family member, elderly parents or relatives, or a wheelchair passenger, a wheelchair lift elevator is a safe and simple transport option. It takes up less space and is more affordable than a traditional elevator. You can choose from different wheelchair lift models based on the vertical travel distance you want.

Here are the types of wheelchair lifts:Wheelchair Lift Elevator

  • Enclosed Model: The occupant stays on top of a platform enclosed with walls while moving up or down. It’s practical for outdoor use, most especially where safety can be compromised due to changing weather conditions.
  • Shaftway Model: It can be fit within existing walls, like an elevator.
  • Stage Model: It features solely a platform used for shorter elevations or heights, like on a vehicle or stage.
  • Opal Model: It’s the same as the enclosed model with a platform enclosed in the walls.


If you need a compact and space-saving transport to move small objects from one floor to another, a dumbwaiter is a good option. Houses with large kitchens and dedicated libraries usually install dumbwaiters to move small goods, dishes, and books.


Now you’re confident to choose the best type of elevator for your home. Elevators are getting more innovative these days, making them good assets that can increase the value of your home. So whether you need a comfortable transport option inside or outside the home, or a safe transport for a disabled or elderly family member, it’s important to choose a trusted and reliable elevator installer for a successful installation and elevator operation.

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