Top Roofing Myths Debunked


Though your roof might seem straightforward, the reality is that few people truly know all the ins and outs, from assessing its condition to handling repairs and proper care. In fact, there are quite a few myths around it, and there were cases where people have unknowingly damaged their roofs due to misinformation.

Through this article, we’ll tackle some popular roofing myths and provide accurate, reliable information so you can properly care for your roof.

General Myths About Roofing

Engineers and contractors hold the plan and point it at the structure of the building

Here are some of the common roofing myths that many homeowners believe:

Myth: Shingle appearance shows the roof’s condition.

One big misunderstanding among homeowners is that their roofs are fine as long as the shingles look good. Moreover, many believe that if shingles show damage, like being missing or curled, that’s the only sign of a potential leak. But, relying solely on shingle looks can be deceptive. So, what if your roof is leaking, but the shingles seem fine?

Roof leaks can happen due to faulty flashing, regardless of shingle condition. When flashing is damaged or poorly installed, water can slip through cracks and openings, causing roof leaks. The most common hidden leak causes include:

  • Aging and deteriorating roofing materials over time
  • Damaged roof vents
  • Faulty pipe boots

Professional inspections are crucial to uncover underlying roof issues. Certified roofers can detect hidden leaks, damaged flashing, poor installations, and other potential problems not visible to homeowners. Regular checks catch and address these concerns early, preventing them from growing into expensive repairs later.

Myth: If the rook looks fine from below, there’s no need to inspect it.

We get it – “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” makes sense. But without checking your roof, you can’t know its true condition. Regular roof inspections matter, even if things seem good. Small problems can escalate fast if not caught early. Don’t overlook this crucial step in roof maintenance.

Prevention is better than cure, and it’s best to catch problems before any pesky issues like leaks arrive. Don’t wait until your home is flooded before you call a professional. At the very least, conduct roof maintenance after a storm.

Myth: No leaks, no worries.

Do you think your roof is fine because there are no leaks? That is not always true. If there are no leaks, it doesn’t mean that your roof is automatically in good shape, and it doesn’t mean there are no other issues waiting to pop up the season’s first rainfall.

If your roof remained leak-free after harsh weather and months of ice and snow, it’s good – but make sure to inspect it after the snowy season. Even if damage doesn’t lead to leaks, a pro roofer can spot potential issues, especially near vents and worn-out flashing. Months of exposure can take a toll.

Get your roof checked yearly to ensure its true health. Prevent major headaches and troubles by addressing issues early and making sure your roof can withstand anything.

Myth: Regular roof maintenance isn’t necessary.

Some folks believe roofs are self-sufficient and don’t need regular upkeep. But in reality, skipping maintenance can lead to big problems over time. Even small issues can grow into major concerns if ignored.

Furthermore, some homeowners think that TPO roofing requires little maintenance due to its low cost. However, like any roof material, TPO roofs need regular upkeep for their longevity and peak performance.

Regular roof maintenance avoids costly repairs and extends its life. Regular checks and swift action on minor problems can prevent water damage, mold, and structural issues. Skipping maintenance leads to hefty bills.

To maintain your roof’s structural integrity and prevent water problems, focus on tasks like cleaning gutters, removing debris, and inspecting shingles. These prevent water buildup, moss, or algae growth and allow timely fixes for weak spots, stopping leaks and water damage.

Myth: Replacing the entire roof is better than repairing it.

In many cases, that’s not true and unnecessary. If the damage is localized or a few shingles need replacing, repairs work fine. Replacing the entire roof is costly and should only happen if absolutely necessary. Sadly, many people notice roof issues too late. By the time a roofer inspects, it often needs a full replacement.

Treat your roof like you treat your car. Don’t wait for issues because major repairs or complete replacement is very costly. Get an annual inspection, especially after rough weather. Calling a pro sooner might mean just a patch or a simple repair.

Myth: Anyone can DIY roof repairs.

Roofing is a complex skill honed through training and experience. Even seasoned pros face risks – falls, burns, electrocution, and injuries. It’s risky work involving heavy materials at heights.

Also, DIY work can make a problem worse. If you’re set on doing the job yourself, make sure you know what you’re doing and prepare well. But still, it’s always recommended to hire a professional to make sure the job is done right the first time, with no additional issues to undo.

Myth: Shingle replacement can be a DIY task.

Again, on the subject of DIY, another misconception is that homeowners can easily perform shingle replacement. While DIY shingle repair might seem simple, it carries risks and complications.

Inadequate experience and knowledge can worsen the condition of your roof. Incorrect installation or poor sealing can cause leaks and weaken the roof’s structure, leading to expensive future repairs.

For shingle repairs, trust professional roofers. Their expertise helps assess damage, choose the right replacement shingles, and execute efficient solutions – protecting your roof’s integrity. Plus, reputable roofers with warranties provide peace of mind, ensuring help if issues arise.

Myth: A new roof can be installed over the old one.

This is a common sight: someone patches a leak by nailing new shingles over old ones. Seems good, right? Not really. Nails create new holes, potentially causing bigger leaks. Also, the old shingles can accelerate the deterioration of the new ones. Removing old shingles before installing new ones prevents these problems. Layering leads to premature wear, cracks in extreme conditions, and shingle blow-offs in strong winds.

Experts know better than that. New shingles need their underlayment and support for proper installation, ensuring effective home protection. Full replacement is key. Remove the old shingles and properly install new ones for repairs.

Myth: A new roof won’t need maintenance for years.

Just like anything else, proper care ensures your roof’s health for years to come. Think of it like a car – you don’t expect big breakdowns in a new car, but you still get regular oil checks. The same goes for your roof. Although major issues aren’t likely with a new roof, regular maintenance is crucial. Even without leaks or cracking, keeping up with roof penetrations and seals is important.

Myth: Dark roofs mean higher bills.

Thinking dark shingles mean high AC bills are common but not true. Dark shingles absorb heat, yet roof ventilation and attic insulation keep that heat out of your home. So, no worries about high indoor temperatures or energy bills if you really want a dark-colored roof.

Myth: All asphalt shingles are alike, so go for the cheapest one.

Asphalt shingles vary in color, thickness, and style. Even within this category, materials like fiberglass or organic felt differ. Lifespan, durability, warranties – it all varies. Do research or consult a pro. Our work uses top-quality products and comes with a warranty.

Myth: You only need a roof replacement for severe damage.

Unless water is gushing from the ceiling, many think their roof is fine. This can lead to dangerous DIY attempts or unqualified “patches.” Yet, roofs can have subtle issues that compromise protection. Replacing a roof protects your home from hidden troubles that could snowball. If a roof is old and the materials look deteriorating, it needs a replacement because it has probably reached the end of its lifespan.

Myth: More insulation is always better

Energy-conscious folks often assume more insulation is best, especially in cold winters. But too much attic insulation can backfire. It blocks ventilation, causing stagnant air and potential mold growth. Poorly ventilated attics harm roofs, speeding up deterioration.

Myth: You can power wash your roof for cleaning

Roofs get dirty, especially during rainy springs or leafy autumns. Cleaning gutters is essential, and many want a clean roof too. However, avoid power washers. They harm delicate roofs like asphalt shingles, clay tiles, or natural wood tiles. Opt for a regular garden hose with a low-pressure nozzle and mild cleaners to avoid damaging the surface.

Common Myths About Metal Roofs

a metal roof

Metal is currently the leading and most popular roofing material worldwide because it works for all climates and is sturdy, dependable, and cost-efficient. But many are still wary of this roofing material because of these prevailing myths:

Myth: Metal roofs make homes hotter in summer and colder in winter.

This common metal roofing myth is quite the opposite of reality. Metal actually reflects sunlight away from the house, unlike asphalt shingles that absorb and transmit heat. Think of a car’s metal hood – it cools quickly in the shade because metal disperses heat effectively.

Asphalt, on the other hand, can retain heat and create steam even after rain. Dark asphalt shingles can reach 160 degrees during the day, continuing to transmit heat into homes after sunset. In winter, metal acts as insulation, keeping indoor warmth in and preventing escape.

Myth: Metal roofs heat up homes.

This metal roof myth is way off base. Metal roofs reflect UV rays that asphalt shingles soak up. Plus, metal roofs release solar heat faster than asphalt roofs, reducing home heat load. Properly installed, a metal roof maintains consistent indoor temperatures, potentially saving up to 40% on heating and cooling bills.

Some also claim that metal roofs make houses cooler during the winter, but it’s not true. During the snowy season, metal acts as an insulator, keeping the warm air inside your house without letting it escape.

Myth: Metal roofs are loud when it rains.

Perhaps you’ve been in an old barn where it was raining, and you noticed the loud sound of the rain on the roof. That’s not the same with a house with a metal roof. Metal roofing for houses has a deck that adds structure and sound insulation that reduces the noise. Metal roofs are as quiet, if not quieter than other systems like asphalt or clay roofs.

Myth: Metal roofs are prone to rust.

While metal in itself is prone to rust, technology has already come a long way in the roofing industry to make it withstand different types of weathering, including rusting. Modern metal roofs are coated with advanced alloys for rust resistance and painted with weatherproof paint. Manufacturers mix aluminum and zinc into the materials to combat rust, while some even add silicon for strong coating adhesion.

Installing a metal roof means decades of rust-free performance. But when a metal roof has serviced a home way past its lifespan, it’s a different story. The protective coatings may wear off, and eventually, the roof will rust. But it will be a long time from now if your metal roof is new – on average, metal roofs last from 40 to 70 years, and some metal roofing materials can even last for longer.

Myth: Metal roofs attract lightning.

Metal conducts electricity, but it doesn’t draw lightning. Plus, lightning doesn’t pick materials it strikes. Studies show metal roofs don’t attract lightning more than other roofs. In fact, being non-combustible, metal roofs are safer in lightning-prone areas. Lightning seeks the quickest path to the ground, regardless of the material. Metal roofs help spread the lightning’s energy safely and reduce the risk of fire.

Myth: Metal roofs are more expensive.

There’s some truth to this if you only consider the initial installation cost. But when you factor in the lifespan and replacement needs of traditional materials like asphalt, wood, or clay – metal roofing wins. Traditional roofs last 12-20 years, while metal roofs last 2-3 times longer. Ongoing repairs and replacements of traditional roofs add up, making metal roofing a cost-effective one-time investment.

Myth: Metal roofs dent easily from hail.

Metal roofs beat asphalt in durability. Hail can dent any roof if it’s big enough, but metal roofs withstand hail better. Only unusually large hail would visibly dent a metal roof. They’re the wiser choice in areas with extreme weather, as they maintain their appearance and weather resistance, unlike asphalt, which loses weatherproofing granules from small hail.


Don’t be misled by myths when it comes to maintaining or repairing your roof. Do your due diligence and research regarding roofing materials and how to maintain roofs so you can make sound roofing decisions based on facts.

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