Top 7 Gardening Tips Every Beginner Should Know


Gardening is certainly an amazing hobby. It keeps you outside, lets you soak in some fresh air and some sun that provides you with the vitamin D you need, it keeps you more or less active and, most importantly, it puts a smile on your face. Who wouldn’t be happy to see the flowers or some delicious vegetables that they have planted come to life right there under their nose? This activity is certainly very rewarding and not only because you will get to eat the veggies you might have planted or smell the flowers, but also because you will be proud of yourself and your accomplishments when those start growing.

As much as this is amusing and rewarding, it also requires some hard work. The worst mistake you can make is just plant the seeds and then sit back and watch what happens. Let me save you the trouble of trying this out and tell you exactly what will happen if you decide to do things this way. Nothing. That’s right – nothing will happen and you will simply have wasted perfectly good seeds and soil.

If you aren’t ready to waste the seeds and the soil, then you should know right from the start that gardening requires you to do some work. Of course, when you are really into it, all this work will feel more like play, but the point is that certain actions on your part are required if you want your garden to be beautiful or full of delicious products. And, I suppose that’s your ultimate goal.

When you’re just getting started with this hobby, you might not have enough knowledge or skills to complete the whole project successfully. Don’t get that discourage you, though, because where there’s a will, there’s a way and you will certainly be able to learn everything you need to know in order for the project to be a success. All you have to do is find a great source of information that can teach you everything you need to know.

If you take a quick look at Garden Peer, for example, you’ll see that there are quite a lot of techniques, tricks and tips that you will find useful when you take up gardening. You can’t just randomly try things out and see what works and what doesn’t. Well, you actually can and I suppose that nobody would stop you from doing that, but if you really want to succeed, then you should first get some great tips and pieces of advice. Luckily for you, there are people who have already randomly tried things out a long time ago and now we all know what works and what doesn’t, meaning that there’s no need for you to repeat the same mistakes.

Since you are probably not willing to waste your time and effort on making those mistakes, I suggest you first gain some knowledge and skills, before actually taking up a project like this. I’ll share some useful gardening tips below, so you should definitely keep on reading. Every single beginner should have at least some basic knowledge and the tips that I will share will certainly come in handy and help you watch those flowers and plants beautifully grow instead of getting disappointed with their lack of progress.

Choose The Right Plants

Whether you knew this or not, some plants simply grow more easily than the others. So, if you don’t have any specific seeds in mind, I suggest you learn more about the plants that are fairly easy to maintain, because those just might be the right choice for a beginner. Of course, you don’t need to stick to those suggestions, but it will do you good to at least know which plants will take more time and effort and which ones will grow without too much of your assistance.

Onions, pepper, tomatoes and basil are some of the products that will grow rather easily, so if you are looking to actually succeed in your first project without that much effort, you should think of getting those seeds. As for the flowers, you might want to choose petunias, sunflowers or roses. Those will also require less attention than certain other flowers, while they will certainly be a beautiful addition to your garden.

Let me just remind you of the fact that you don’t actually need to choose the seeds I have mentioned above if you are a beginner. Those are simply the ones that will grow more easily, but if you are up for it, you can certainly take up a more complicated project that will require more of your attention. The truth is that you will definitely be able to turn even the complicated projects into a success, just as long as you devote some time to it and make sure to do things the right way.

If you have experience with killing plants in the past, you might want to read this:

Don’t Forget The Location

Most people think that simply planting the seeds in a spot where the sun constantly shines is a great idea and I have to agree that it usually is. Emphasis on the word “usually”. While sun is definitely rather necessary for the growth of certain plants and flowers, here’s something that you should be aware of. Not every seed needs to be constantly exposed to the sun. In fact, there are some plants that grow in the shade and then there are those that need both the sun and the shade.

What does this mean for you? Should you just go through with planting everything in the sun, or should you change your tactics completely? This is a question that isn’t so easily answered. It all depends on your particular choice of seeds in the first place, meaning that you should, once again, learn everything you need to know about the particular flowers and plants that you are thinking of growing. Focus on learning how much sun those need in order to grow.

Timing Matters

When you feel that you are ready to take up a gardening project, you will probably order your seeds and then proceed to planting them right away. This is definitely a mistake, since not all seeds will grow when you want them to grow. Believe it or not, timing is of crucial importance for every single gardening project. I suppose this isn’t that surprising, since we all know how certain flowers have periods of blooming and withering during the year.

I know that you are probably excited with all the ideas that you have and that you can’t wait to start turning those ideas into reality, but you should definitely hold your horses for a while. Before you start digging and planting, you will need to check for the right time when the specific seeds you got should be planted. There’s no way that those seeds will grow if you don’t get the timing right, so make sure not to forget to take that into consideration.

The Art Of Watering

Watering just seems like something rather simple and you are probably under the impression that you don’t even have to think about it. You’ll just do it from time to time and everything will be fine, right? Well, if this were right, I certainly wouldn’t call it “the art of watering”. Everybody knows that plants need water, but not every beginner knows how to actually do this the right way. You should definitely learn that before you get started with your project.

There are quite a few things that you will have to remember when it comes to watering. For starters, you will need to make sure that you are getting all the right, high-quality tools. A lot of pieces of equipment are being sold on the market, but not all of those will provide you with the quality that you want, which is why you will have to be careful when buying your tools. After all, I suppose you don’t want to have to buy new tools every so often.  Be sure to check out for great options.

Tools are only a part of it, though. You also need the skills and you could definitely use some tips and tricks. The general rule of thumb is to water your garden in the morning, since that way the plants will have the whole day to dry on the sunlight, which is extremely important. Speaking of drying, you should do your best not to water the leaves and stick only to the roots, because wet leaves can lead to sick plants.

Last, but not least, you should make sure not to water too often and too much. There is an easy test you can do in order to check if you have been watering too much. Take a look at the leaves and if there are any yellow ones, you can be sure that you have exaggerated it with the watering and that you should take it down a notch. This is a very important gardening tip, as are the ones on this page, so make sure to always keep it in mind.

Trimming And Pruning Is Significant

Air circulation is rather important for the growth of your plants and if there are a lot of unnecessary leaves blocking it, then you will certainly have some issues on your hands. Luckily, you can easily avoid those issues with the help of trimming and pruning. By doing this regularly, you will allow for the air to circulate more successfully, which will definitely play a part in the growth of the seeds.  Also make sure if you have dead or dying trees you consider tree removal.

There is another reason why trimming and pruning matters. If you remember my watering tips above, then you know that the leaves shouldn’t be wet and if you don’t trim those regularly, you will definitely have more leaves to get wet. So, pruning and trimming helps you get to the roots easier without spilling water on the leaves and possibly causing harm to the whole plant. Wet leaves lead to sick plants, remember?

Fresh Mulch Can Help

One of the things that you shouldn’t forget to do is add fresh mulch to your garden every year. This will keep the weeds from sprouting, while also helping the soil retain water. In other words, by doing this, you will have to do a lot less watering and weeding, and we all know that weeding is perhaps the most boring and annoying gardening task.

Asking For Help Is Okay

Here’s the last important tip that I have to give you. Whenever you feel stuck or you aren’t sure that you are doing things right, feel free to ask other people for help. You might have a neighbor who has a beautiful garden and his or her tips could really be useful, so don’t forget to ask for help whenever you feel you need it.

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