Tips on How to Take Care of and Maintain Your Septic Tank


Many homes, especially in rural areas, have a septic system. If your home uses a septic tank to dispose of wastewater, it is very important to know how to keep it in proper working order.Did you know that it can cost around $3000 to $7000 to replace an average septic tank? With this, we can say that proper septic tank or septic system maintenance is indeed essential to keep it up-and-running.

When you have routine septic system maintenance, it can save you from spending a lot of money on expensive repairsand make your living environment a safe and healthy space. If you are moving to a home with a septic tank or septic system soon and wondering how you can take care of and maintain it, you’re in the right place. Today, we are giving you tips on how to take care of and maintain your septic tank.

Find the Location of Your Septic Tank

One of the first steps you can take is to know where the septic tank is located on your property to be inspected and serviced easily. Most of the time, septic tanks are located about five feet away from the house, and it is buried several feet below ground.

You can find it in different ways. One is by checking a plat of your land, which is available from your country’s environmental office. This should show the exact location of the septic tank in your yard. Also, the location of the tank is usually evident by greener grass or lush vegetation in the yard.

If you are still not sure where the septic tank is located, you can use a video camera that can be inserted in a drain to track the distance to the tank. Once you find its general location, you can use a probing device, like a thin metal rod, to find the top of the buried tank. Do this carefully to avoid damaging field lines, drain pipes, sprinkler systems, and as well as other buried utility lines.

How to Keep Your Septic Tank in Good Condition

pumping a septic tank

The septic tank is not always on top of mind when it comes to home maintenance, but it is an important part of your home and should not be overlooked. When you care for your septic tank, it can help extend its life and value. Here are the different ways on how you can keep your septic tank in good condition:

1. Avoid throwing rubbish down your toilet.

Even if it’s very tempting to flush rubbish down your toilet, do not do it as it is very damaging to the septic tank system. When you flush items down the toilet, such as paper towels and facial tissues, it can clog your septic tank. Keep a litter bin in your bathroom for these items.

2. Buy the right kind of garbage disposal.

It is also better if you could invest in a top-of-the-line garbage disposal that can grind your food waste better. It’s because the more ground your food waste, the better it will be absorbed in the septic tank system.

3. Do not pour grease down the drain.

Pouring grease down the drain can also clog the septic tank drain field. It’s because grease prevents the soil around the drain field from absorbing liquids, causing a back-up, which results in an added expense of digging a new drain field.

4. Do not pour household chemicals down the drain.

When you dispose of paint, pesticides, motor oil, and potent cleaners, do it properly and never pour them down the drain. Why? It’s because they can kill the bacteria that break down solids in your septic tank.

5. Do not drain your pool or hot tub water into your septic tank system.

Just like household chemicals, the chlorine from your pool or hot tub can also breakdown the important bacteria in the septic system. Also, when you add a large influx of water into your septic tank, it can cause the drain field to flood.

6. Make sure to repair leaky faucets immediately.

Water that is wasted due to leaking faucets can also put a strain on your septic tank system. Aside from that, it can also increase your water bill. Therefore, if you notice a leaky tap, make sure to repair it right away.

7. Make sure that your septic tank is inspected regularly.

The frequency of your septic tank inspection depends on the manufacturer. It can be around three months to three years. There are septic tanks that can be inspected by homeowners, but others need technicians. Anyhow, ensure that your septic tank system is inspected frequently to perform any minor repairs before they can become more serious issues.

8. Have your septic tank pumped regularly.

Most septic tanks have to be pumped every three to five years. This depends on how many people live in your home. The more people in your household, the more often you need to pump your septic tank.

9. Take good care of your drain field.

You need to ensure that all water is diverted away from the soakage area. In addition, only landscape the soakage area with grass. If you want to put plants, make sure that you only choose ones that have shallow root systems. Lastly, never park a vehicle on top of the soakage area, as it can put a strain on your soakage area, which may lead to ruptured pipes.

These are some of the best tips we can give on how to take care of and maintain your septic tank. By following these tips, you can ensure that your septic tank system will last longer, work more efficiently, and save you from spending on costly repairs.

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