Tips for watching football with friends at home


We’re in such a special year for sports fans. Besides Japan hosting the summer Olympic Games, there will be not only the traditional EURO football tournament but also the Copa America happening at the same time.

With that said, there are few activities as enjoyable as watching football with friends at home, especially when there are do or die types of matches going on in important competitions.

There are some tournaments that are definitely more important and thus funnier to watch than others. Just to name a few ones, we have:

  • UEFA Champions League
  • Copa Libertadores
  • UEFA Europa League
  • FIFA World Cup

And so on.

It’s important to say that even though we are for friends gathering, please, respect your local government advice and laws for the ongoing pandemic we’re living in.

Lots of pals all over the world decide to make the “football day”, where they will gather up at someone’s house and watch their childhood teams playing good – or not that good – football.

It’s usually on Sundays or Saturdays but it could literally be any day of the week, as schedules may vary depending on where you’re based. For instance, if you are going to watch the Chivas game then check the Chivas schedule earlier on to make sure you don’t miss it.

If you intend to host or to attend at someone’s house in order to enjoy your football day, don’t worry, we got you covered! We teamed up with football expert Evelyn Balyton in order to prepare this guide with tips that you absolutely have to go through in order to have such a nice, enjoyable time around your mates. You can view more on Balyton by clicking here.

1. Prepare food and drink

Watching a football match with friends without eating snacks and drinking a beer is not the same thing, is it? Therefore, the first step is to prepare food and drinks for the event.

You guys can test your luck out in the kitchen in order to get everyone covered. However, perhaps the best solution would be to order something. This way you can split the bill and no one spends time driving the stove!

Just please be aware that the ideal scenario is not to overdo the drink, as people will likely need to return home later. So, either you guys stick to some simple sodas or pick someone that does not drink alcoholic beverages and ask him to drive you guys home.

2. Take care of the environment

The next step is to take care of the ambience of the house to receive friends. The atmosphere needs to be spot on!

The basic thing is to have a comfortable sofa ready, with a nice TV and you’re good to go.

However, depending on the importance of the game, it is necessary to prepare a basic decoration. If it’s a World Cup one, it’s worth spreading some colorful stripes around the house, isn’t it?

3. Try to Mix the Feeling of Watching a Game You’ve Wagered on!

That’s one of the most insane feelings ever. You may be all gassed up for the match but at the end of the day, you won’t lose money if your team takes the L.

However, when there’s money on the line, the story is totally different.

You’ll realize that the game will mean much more to you and this can either make things double interesting or totally annoying.

Try out the sports betting philippines suggestions from this website and enjoy!

4. Avoid too controversial games

Of course, watching games with friends is very good. But sometimes people are very nervous about the game. A championship final with two rival teams, for example, can end up in a serious fight between friends, especially if there is a controversial move.

So it is worth leaving those warmer games over there. After all, gathering a bunch of people drinking beer and getting nervous about the game is a recipe for disaster, right?

5. Prepare a pre and post game

Prepare a pre and post game

Finally, to make the situation even more enjoyable, it is worth preparing a pre and post-game.

How about playing some games like FIFA or PES with the same teams in the game before the match?

Then you can stir a pizza or something to chat and calm your spirits after the game.


Now you know how to further improve the day of watching football with friends at home.

Following these tips, it will be much easier to organize a very cool event in your home, or wherever else you guys think it would be cool to gather up.

Also, you should take advantage of these tips and use them not only for football events, as they’re easily replicable for any other sports over there.

Some nice ideas would be to have a day to play video games, a night of playing poker and so on.



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