The Ultimate Guide To Buying The Best Food Processors


A food processor should be considered an essential item for every kitchen. They are generally on the larger side, potentially two or three times the size of your kettle. But, in return for a little space on the counter they will help you make cakes, puree, mince, blend, whisk and even chop. In effect, they will make life in the kitchen much easier.

But, that comes at a price! Because they are so versatile there are hundreds of different models on the market. It can make it very difficult to select the best one for your needs.

Fortunately, we are here to help!

The Manufacturer

All product purchases should start with a review of the manufacturer. You need to know they are reputable. That means verifying whether they are well-known in their field, whether they have a good reputation and any other pertinent facts.

The best place to start is with yourself. If you haven’t heard of the manufacturer then ask family, friends, and even colleagues. You can also take a look at social media and online forums. There is no better way to get honest opinions and be confident that the food processing equipment you’re about to buy is the best currently available.

Size Of Your Food processor

Once you have decided that the manufacturer is worth buying from it will be time to look at what size suits your needs; In general, the larger the food processor the more expensive it gets.

As a guide, anything up to 2.5l is usually big enough for your everyday tasks. If you regularly cook for a large group or like to undertake meal prep once or twice a week, then you’ll want something larger than 2.5l.

Number Of Functions

Food processors are capable of mincing, chopping, grating, pureeing, and so much more. But, to get the desired result you need the right attachment. Take a moment to consider what you will be using your food processor for and then make sure the machines you are looking at have all the necessary attachments.

The Speed Of Your Food Processor

The best food processors have several speed settings. This is useful as slower speeds are better for doughs and similar mixes, while faster speeds are great when dealing with a solid object like nuts or even vegetables. More than two speeds are rarely necessary.

The Feet

If you’re getting a reputable food processor then it is likely to have suction-cup feet. This will help to hold it in place while you are using it. There is little more frustrating than a machine moving around when you are trying to work with it.


Finally, spend a few moments considering your budget. The best machines are usually the most expensive. You may want to save until you can afford one. Alternatively, you can simply look for the best option available for the money you have spare today.

That’s the best way of ensuring you get a good product that doesn’t break your bank.



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