The Most Important Elements of Asian Home Décor


When we mention Asian, words like Zen, serene, and peaceful come to our mind. Asian homes are a perfect fusion of distinct décor elements, like floral motifs, wall art, etc.

So, if you want to give your home an Asian charm, here’re the most essential elements to incorporate:

Furniture and Wall Art

In Asian homes, you’ll find simple and austere-looking furniture. At the same time, this furniture also features intricate detailing. For instance, detailed scenes are colored on dark cabinets and appealing lacquered finishing.

Wall art plays an important role in Asian homes. It can be a vintage portrait, mirrors, or framed photos. You have many options when it comes to buying artwork inspired by Asia.

Natural Material

You’ve to incorporate a lot of natural material to pull a perfect Asian charm to your space. This is true, especially in the case of bathrooms. For instance, add pebbles in the corner of the shower, stone tiles, and wood elements.

Try to go as sustainable and natural as possible with all elements and rooms in your home.

Elements in Red

Good luck elements govern almost all principles in Asian culture. Red is the color of happiness and good fortune in Asia. This color is known to represent their core ethical values up to a great extent.

So, it’s important to choose red home décor accents. It could be original or faux flowers, a sculpture, or even red-themed wall art.

Clean Lines

Another most important element of an Asian-style interior is clean and simple lines. These design elements make your space stand out and blend well with all other decorative details.

All in all, clean and simple lines in furniture, Boho Decor UK accents, and other aspects of your home create a harmonious composition.

Wood is the Protagonist

In Asian homes, wood takes center stage. It is perhaps one of the most used materials in Asian buildings and decoration.

So, it becomes easy and simple to create a well-balanced and oriented theme in your space. Arrange all your elements symmetrically to achieve the most authentic Asian touch. Incorporate additional details like bonsai and wooden teacups, etc.

Circle Motif

A circle is an important symbol for the Japanese. The red circle on an all-white flag of Japan represents the rising sun. It is often associated with Zen, relaxation, and enlightenment.

You can incorporate a circle in your home décor in countless interesting ways. For instance, a circular cutout in vanity doors, a circular wall art, etc.


Live and fresh orchids look beautiful. In addition, they lend the perfect finishing touch to Asian-inspired bathrooms. So, to give an Asian touch to your space, get fresh orchids every day.

Chinoiserie Furniture

Chinoiserie is a French term and a combination of Chinese and esque. It represents an appealing, oriental style that originally emerged in France in the mid 18th century.

These pieces of furniture feature noteworthy detailed scenes. These scenes are painted on dark lacquer-like wood cabinets.

So, incorporate all of these elements to lend your home the Asian charm.

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