The Best Time of Year to Resurface Driveway


While it’s okay to resurface your driveway any time with the help of paving companies, it’s generally recommended that you wait until right before spring and after heavy rain. You may be thinking, why not better late than never, but there are a few reasons:

Asphalt stability

Waiting until right before spring is when the ground dries out will help make sure that the asphalt is stable enough. If you don’t resolve the issue, water will pool in the joints and start to crack them.

Waiting for rain

Resurfacing your driveway after heavy rain is when the ground is soft enough for the asphalt to settle into. It’s also easier to get rid of rocks and dirt that may have been introduced into your driveway on purpose or by accident.

Absorbing moisture

Resurfacing your driveway after heavy rain will also help eliminate the need to water the concrete. The asphalt needs to be able to absorb some of the moisture from the ground, but not all of it, so it may create a weak foundation.


When you decide what type of material you would like to use for resurfacing your driveway, many options are available, and they are quite affordable. You may also need specific machines and tools to remove rocks or weeds before you begin resurfacing.

When you resurface your driveway, you must make sure to use quality materials that will last for a very long time.

What Causes Driveway Pavement Damage?

All sorts of elements, like intense heat or cold weather, beyond what your home can handle may cause cracks in your driveway pavement. If you suspect your driveway needs resurfacing, there are a couple of things to look for.

  1. First, examine the driveway and look for cracks. These might be in your asphalt slabs, or they could be in the joints of your bricks. Even if you don’t see these features, you may notice sunken spots or uneven areas that cause an incline or decline on the driveway surface.
  2. If you don’t find visible damage, dig a hole or trench into investigating the soil beneath your driveway surface. If you found signs of soil erosion anywhere on the surface, it’s probably time to resurface.

When and How Often to Resurface?

If you’re ready to resurface your driveway, there are a few issues that you should consider. The most important factor to consider is the amount of damage the weather has caused, when the damage began, and how long it took before it was noticed. The amount of damage to the driveway surface is important in determining the type and amount of asphalt you’ll need. You can eliminate a lot of the guessing game by hiring a professional to do a resurfacing job.

The professional will estimate the amount of work that needs to be done and give you an accurate cost for materials. You’ll have an exact idea about how much time and money resurfacing will take, which is better than waiting until it becomes too late to make changes. If you have a large amount of damage, it might be a good idea to hire paving companies over and above the materials that you need. This way, you’ll be sure that your driveway is level and that there are no dips or uneven inclines.

What are the benefits of resurfacing my driveway?

Resurfacing your driveway is one of the ways you can make your home look great again. The first advantage of resurfacing your driveway is that it will make it easier to transport dirt and debris from the site. Resurfacing will also help eliminate the need for water, which is necessary when you are working with concrete.

Not only does resurfacing make your driveway easier to work with, it will also make it safer for you as well. If you are concerned about the safety of your driveway, then by all means, have it resurfaced. If you don’t want your driveway to be more dangerous than it is now, then wait until spring and try to remove any water-soaked soil.


If you do decide that you would like to resurface your driveway this winter, then, by all means, go ahead and do so before spring comes. This is a great time to make sure that your driveway is free of any damaged soil. You’ll also have the advantage of having a flat and smooth surface, which will make it easier to finish the job. If you think you need guidance in the realm of paving, contact paving companies around your area.

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