The Benefits of Adding More Shelving to Your Home


If you’re thinking of making an upgrade to your home, going for more shelving might be the best idea yet. This will be especially useful if the shelves will take up a previously unused or unusable place. Imagine having planks of shining, polished wood around you, all set for housing your books, decorations, small plants, and so much more. Not convinced yet? Let’s have a look at the different benefits of adding more shelving to your home: 

1. They’ll Help Make The Place Your Own

Shelves will be the perfect space for placing your personality on the best display possible. If you live in a rented space or have just shifted to a new place, this step could be crucial in making it feel like your own. With shelves, you’d be able to make the best possible use of a tiny apartment or house. 

Even if the living space is quite large, having more shelving is a good way to show others your interests, passions, hobbies, and so on. Display the pictures of your loved ones, travels, or anything you find interesting on those shelves. Collectibles, flowers, and other forms of mementos will also be great as conversation starters and making the home seem inviting. 

It’s not just about the items you display on the shelves either; the designs also tell a lot about the homeowner. According to the kind of theme you have in mind, the shelves can add to the minimalistic, funky, or classic sort of theme you have in your home. 


2. Adding Function


A shelf or shelving of any kind is not just for displaying all kinds of items. It can also add a lot of other functions to your surroundings. For instance, placing a shelf at just the right height will make the perfect space for a small snack or juice bar. Similarly, a lot of shelving will be perfect for organizing the kids’ toys, clothes, and laundry supplies. 


3. Add Some Hidden Storage

hidden storage

A nice sturdy shelf will be able to withstand a lot of movement, so you can utilize them to add boxes, baskets, and other types of containers. These will hold several small items and keep them hidden until needed. These might include toys and games for the kids, books, or snacks that will otherwise clutter up the home. 

4. Making The Most of Your Space

As we’ve mentioned above, shelves can be a great way to use up a space that would otherwise be useless. If you find that a room or the whole home doesn’t have enough space for your needs, consider investing in a floor-to-ceiling unit. In case that’s not possible, go for an inbuilt bookcase or some floating shelves.

Once the new shelving is in place, you can relocate the items from the cupboards and drawers. This will free the latte up for your essential everyday items that simply have to be put away inside. At the same time, your home will get a new kind of decor that’s both eye-catching and practical. This sort of reorganizing might even free up space for more furniture, or just leave more room for you to move easily through your home. 

5. Optimizing The Closet


When someone has a tiny closet, they need to make the most of every inch available. Installing some shelving units will help to accommodate more clothing and other items as well. If you just have a single bar in the closet, an additional shelf will be able to lend it support along with sharing some of the burden. 

To get the best organizing results, start catering clothing and determine a system. The shelves will be able to store folded clothes, or baskets for small things. 

Even if you have a large walk-in closet, additional shelving can take it to the next level. For instinct, a walk-in closet can become a proper dressing room once there’s space for your hairdryers, brushes, shoes, fragrances, etc. This sort of organization will also ease the stress of getting ready in a hurry. 

6. Making Cooking Easier

Installing extra shelving in your kitchen is also a logical step, especially if you do a lot of cooking at home. Whether you go for closed or open shelving, there’s always a need to stow away essentials for cooking, baking, cleaning, etc. 

If the shelving is in the right place, you’d be able to keep items near the busiest part of the kitchen. This way, you’d be able to cut down on your cooking or baking time by accessing all the utensils easily and quickly. 

In case there’s enough space, you might even want to get some inbuilt shelves for a pantry. This is where you can store ingredients in bulk or anything that you want to keep away from direct heat and sunlight. 

7. Decoration


Every homeowner has their own kind of decor in mind. They choose the textures, colors, fabrics, and other aspects in accordance with their preferences. This practice will make the home interior attractive and cohesive, so we want to make sure everything blends together well. 

Shelving is also important in this respect, as it can help to create focal points over a chair or other pieces of furniture. However, it’s up to you to ensure that the shelving is effective in adding flair to and enhancing the interior design. There are a lot of choices available, so make sure that the final choice goes with what’s already in place. For instance, if you like clean lines and clutter-free spaces, choose a straightforward design for your home. 

8. Easy Organizing

When there are kids in the house, it can be very difficult to keep their toys, games, stationary, and other belongings in control. Children have a tendency to scatter their items all over the place, so it’s important to have a designated place for storing everything. Having a lot of shelves will solve this problem to some extent. 

With the clutter put away and organized on the shelves, the rooms will also be relatively free of clutter. This will help you keep them clean and neat for most of the day. 

You can also consider adding small shelves to make a small play kitchen or crafting station for a child. This will help them with independent playing, learning as they go and enjoying themselves at the same time. 

Of course, many parents start off by using containers or bins to contain their kids’ toys. Having some sort of shelves to store these bins is usually necessary if they want to prevent clutter to the maximum extent. 

9. Keeping Items Safe

Whether you have a lot of books or fragile decor items, you definitely don’t want them damaged. This is why shelving is needed in any home; the right shelves will keep such things secure and as safe as possible. If this is your end goal, you might want to look into having customized cabinets made from a reliable professional. 


With a lot of shelving all around your home, you’d soon be able to categorize and organize your belongings in the best manner possible. It might require a lot of investment, but the function you get out of them will make the effort worth it. If you live in a rental, however make sure that the shelving is the kind that you can pull out and take along with you. Above all, be careful not to incur any damage during installation. Start checking out shelves today and see how they can make a difference in your everyday life. 

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