Stopping a Roof Leak during Rain: Full Guide


A roof leak can be devastating, primarily when not handled with precautions. So, when you discover that your roof is leaking, you don’t have to wait until it damages your property. Instead, you need to stop the roof leak before the issue exacerbates.

So, how do you stop a roof leak? First, minimize the damage by dealing with the water falling into the house. Then, with a bucket, gather it while seeking for the leaking component. Finally, temporarily repair the leaking portion to limit the damage that water can cause.

Reasons for roof leak

You are very likely to panic when you notice water drops coming from your ceiling. This is because moisture can cause damages to the furniture, floor, walls, and ceiling.

Although some leaks happen accidentally, contacting a roofing contractor in Lubbock to occasionally inspect your roof can help reduce the chances of a leak. Before deciding to buy a new replacement roof, here are the other possible causes of the leak.

Plumbing problems

Some plumbers lay pipes on the roof during plumbing. You will also find vent pipes and flashing in the ceiling. This exposes the house to leaks, especially during heavy rains. Always ask the plumber to ensure they fully close all areas that could cause leaks.


Skylights are light-transmitting windows or structures installed on the ceiling to allow natural light to pass through. Homeowners with houses built between walls prefer these windows. However, when poorly installed, skylight windows can cause leaks.

Worn out shingles

How old are your roof’s shingles? However,  if they are past their expiry date, there will be spaces for water to pass through. The leaks you are getting could indicate you need to replace the shingles.


Chimneys are an excellent way of letting smoke and other elements out of the house, but they are more likely to cause leaks. This happens when you don’t put a cap on the chimney, making raindrops fall straight inside.

Metal Degradation

If your roof is made of metal, it will corrode over time due to exposure to the elements. Water passes through tiny spaces, and if the corroded metal cracks, it can lead to leaks. Since this roof is damaged, you need to replace it.


Condensation happens mostly in houses with attics. Failure to put proper ventilators on the attic space can make the hot air condense at night and drip into the lower rooms.

A guide on how to stop a roof leak during rain

It’s likely that once it starts raining and you notice water drops falling from your ceiling, it won’t stop until you act. However, before gathering your tools for repairs, you should first deal with the water.

Move objects away from the dripping roof

Couches and wood furniture can soak in water leading to significant damages. Also, wood absorbs moisture and starts to swell. It can also begin to rot after a while, leading to unrepairable damage.

Ensure the carpet and curtains don’t soak in the water. Also, turn off all electronics from their power source because water can cause fatal electrocutions. It can also cause short circuits on the electronics.

Place a bowel or bucket to trap the water

Once everything is far from the leaking ceiling, you should place a bucket under the leaking roof to trap the water. It prevents the water from running to other rooms or parts of the house and protects the floor from water damage.

Step 1: identify the leaking part

Check the ceiling to see where the problem could be. The roof is probably all wet by this time, making it hard to identify a particular part. An easier way to do it is to start with where you saw the first drop fall from. It will allow you to investigate the other areas.

Step 2: identify the source of the leak

There are many possible sources of the leak. Start by checking the attic. Ensure you use a stable ladder to climb up the small room. If you are not sure of your safety, call a professional.

Check the water pipes in the attic and all the areas used to exit pipes. Finding the cause of the leak in the attic will enable you to slow the leakage. You can temporarily slow the leak by placing a bucket under the leaking area for water to collect in it.

This will also save the living room ceiling from suffering more water damage. Also, ensure the bucket is stable to avoid the water from pouring when it becomes full. You can also repair the leaking part until you get a professional to do major repairs.

Step 3: Check the roof

You should only check the roof after the rain has stopped. Also, remember wet roofs can cause slides leading to fatal accidents. Call roof masters to do a better inspection because they are well skilled.

If you decide to go up the roof, ensure you have the right gear, like shoes with nice tread to prevent slipping. Use a solid ladder to climb up the top and walk on the roof carefully to prevent accidents.

If you notice a problem with the chimney area, skylights, or shingles, you can temporarily cover the cause of the leak. Then, call a professional to fix and ensure there are no more leaks when it rains again.

If the shingles are old and dented or warped, use a sponge to dry the stagnant water. Then, place a piece of plywood or another shingle on the space to make a temporary block. You can also use roofing tar to block the leaking area.

Final words

You are likely to panic when you notice water drops from your ceiling during rain. The magnitude of the water damage can be massive, but this guide will help you get a temporary solution. It is, nevertheless, more sensible to hire an expert to properly resolve the issue.


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