Six Best Plants For Beginners


With the COVID-19 pandemic, most of us are forced to stay indoors. Because of the dangers of going outside of our homes, many find hobbies and activities to enjoy the great outdoors without leaving home. One of the activities many people started to embrace during the quarantine is gardening. Female adults, or even males, have tried gardening not only because it is an activity that allows you to enjoy nature while staying safe at home but growing your own plants can also reduce stress and improve one’s overall well-being.

Because of the present craze on growing indoor plants, many are curious how they can start growing their plants and how they can keep them alive. Because not everyone has a green thumb and if you are new to planting, it is best to start with something low maintenance and require minimal care. Planting takes a bit of practice to perfect and keep your plants alive, so if you are inexperienced, you may not want to start with plants that require a lot of maintenance and are difficult to grow.

In this article, Hello Blooms names the ten indoor plants that are best for beginners because not only are they easy to take care of but they will definitely look amazing in your home.

1. Succulents

Succulents make for great starter plants for those new to gardening. They are not only beautiful but they are very much easy to keep alive. They do not require a lot of water at all, but they do love bright light. If you are the type of person who easily forgets stuff, then succulents are the ideal starter plant for you because they have very low-maintenance needs. They just need to be placed on a bright spot and well-drained soil with little water. They are also highly adaptable and can survive in any environment.

Moreover, succulents can be easily bought in your local garden centers and grocery stores.

2. Snake Plant

Another plant that is best for beginners is the snake plant. Snake plants don’t need direct sunlight and they actually can survive weeks without water. Because this plant doesn’t need a ton of water or light to survive, you can place it anywhere in your house as you please and you don’t need to stress about finding a window with tons of sun. Just wait until the soil is completely dried out before watering. Snake plants are also so great for purifying the air and greening up your space.

3. Spider Plant

Another popular houseplant for beginners is the spider plant. It is also known as the Hen & Chicken Plant or ribbon plant. Spider plants are great for first-time plant parents. They are tough, easy to grow and can withstand different types of light and don’t need a super strict watering schedule. They do best in hanging baskets, but also thrive when placed on a table or shelf in a bright room. Spider plants need to be placed in a bright spot. You should also be mindful not to overwater the plant, only water it if the soil is dry. Overtime, spider plants will send out plantlets or offsets on long stems and these plantlets can also be easily repotted to create new specimens.

4. Lucky Bamboo

Another indoor plant which does not require a ton of care is the lucky bamboo. It can grow in almost any light as it isn’t too fussy about light conditions, but it does not do well with cold drafts of air, so be cautious of where you grow it. It is a low care indoor plant because it only needs about an inch of water but you can add more if desired.

Many people believe that this plant brings prosperity and happiness. They also make wonderful gift plants as it is believed that they can enhance the chi or energy of their surroundings.

5. ZZ Plant

If you are having trouble keeping plants alive, then the ZZ plant is the perfect plant for you. ZZ plants are basically indestructible and they can grow in drought conditions with nearly any type of lighting. ZZ plants require minimal amounts of care because they only need to be watered two times a month, or when the soil has completely dried out.

6. Peperomia

Another plant-beginner friendly is the peperomia. It is an ideal plant for the inexperienced because it’s quite forgiving and can withstand a decent amount of neglect. Since it originates from tropical areas, peperomia prefers heat and humidity but does not like direct sunlight or excessive water. You can grow this plant in a loamy potting soil with good drainage, and place it in a bright room with no direct sunlight.

Aside from being low-maintenance, peperomia are a great desk companion because of their beautiful, ornamental leaves, which come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors, depending on the variety.

The key to successful planting or gardening is meeting your plants’ basic needs to keep them alive. If you are planning to start gardening, you might want to start with something low maintenance. You can start with the plants listed in this article as you find your way to gardening.

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