See How You Can Easily Win the War on Waste at Home


If you’ve seen the documentary War On Waste, you probably know now how much trash we produce. The numbers are not only concerning, they’re terrifying. According to this documentary, we generate 52 megatons of trash! And the worse thing is, most of it is either dumped on a landfill, or in the ocean.

This documentary only proves that our lifestyles are not sustainable at all. And we need to start reflecting on it and find a way to minimise our environmental impact.

In this piece, our friends at Ecolateral shared some of their strategies on how to win the war on waste. And according to them, it always starts at home. So below are some tips that they shared on how to cut down your household waste:

1. Awareness

The very first step to winning the war on waste is to be aware of your habits. It’s an important step where you reflect on your buying tendencies, cleaning habits and any other activities which contribute to the generation of trash in your home.

If you know more about these habits, the more you can change them. For good.

2. Build an organized recycling system

If the city you live in doesn’t have any recycling facility, build one inside your own home! Your recycling strategy is one of the best ways to reduce your environmental footprint. If you’re planning to clean the kitchen this coming weekend, might as well make space for your recycling system!

It doesn’t need to be fancy or highly technical. You don’t have to buy new bins with recycling logos on them. You can use your old trash bags or used containers as replacements. What matters is that it’s organized and that you are committed to making this system work.

3. Shop only when necessary

Unbeknownst to many, impulsive buying is connected to how much rubbish is in your house. That’s why you must shop only when necessary.

Another good strategy is to buy in bulk and on schedule. You can buy groceries right now that will last for 2-3 weeks, then your next run in the market is after 2-3 weeks, too. Do this religiously and see how much money you can save and how much trash you can cut down.

4. Say NO to plastic

When doing your errands, always bring a tote bag or any reusable bag to carry your goods. Always refuse from using plastic bags when shopping in the market.

Another way of saying no to plastic is by avoiding items with plastic packaging. Instead of buying pre-packed items like meat, fruits, vegetables, you should opt for the same items in your local market where you can buy them per kilo. This way, you can set a limit on how much you’ll consume for the next two weeks and cut down your plastic usage.

Buying in bulk is also one of the best ways to reduce your plastic waste. If there are stores in your area where you can bring your own containers to shop for pantry items, take advantage of them.

Repurpose your mason jars and other containers in buying stocks food like peanuts, and rice, and other house essentials like toiletries and cleaning materials.

This kind of shopping style allows you to pay only for what you need, so expect to save some cash without running out of stash

These are only some of the strategies that you can perfectly execute in your own home. Make sure that everybody in the family is participating. This way you can reduce your environmental footprint more and ultimately save our one and only planet.


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