Protecting Your Boundary When You Have Kids and Pets


Safeguarding the boundary of your home is very important when you have kids and pets. Older children can be trusted to leave home without supervision, but younger kids and pets must be corralled to keep them safe.

While an ornamental hedge or short picket fence might keep a toddler on your property, it won’t stop a dog escaping. In this article, we’re going to look at your options if you need a new Dog Fence or another type of perimeter protection.

Block, Brick or Stone Wall

This is by far the most solid and permanent type of perimeter protection. When you build a wall, it will last for decades, if not longer. A high wall will keep kids and pets in and intruders out. It also affords you a lot of privacy. The main downside to a wall is that it is expensive to build, which might be a hindrance if your property lies on a very large plot.

Vinyl Fence

Vinyl fences have a lot of advantages. They are the strongest fence, and also the most low-maintenance type of fence if home DIY is not your strong suit. Unlike timber fences, vinyl requires virtually no maintenance other than a quick blast with a hosepipe to keep it clean now and again.

Vinyl is also impervious to vermin, so there is no danger of pests eating their way in or Roger the Dog chewing his way out of the garden.

You can customize a vinyl fence to suit any type of aesthetic, which is handy if you want a nice-looking fence as well as a secure perimeter.

Chain Link Fence

Chain link fencing is great if you are shopping on a budget. It isn’t the best-looking fence in the world, but it does the job. Kids can’t escape from a garden with a chain-link fence (unless they are very good at climbing), and pets are nice and secure as long as nobody leaves the gate open.

If your garden is on different levels or the ground is uneven, chain link fencing can accommodate this. It’s also weather-proof, which is handy if you live in one of the northern states like Minnesota, where winters can be rather harsh.

One of the downsides of chain link fences is the lack of privacy, but you can address this by planting a fast-growing evergreen creeper, such as ivy.

Timber Fence

Timber fencing is a useful DIY option if you need a perimeter erecting fast. A strong person can drive in fence posts and fix boards over a weekend. The downside to timber fences is that they need weather treatment every 2-3 years to prevent weather damage. In addition, unless you fix wire mesh to the boards, a post and rail fence isn’t going to keep pets or very young children inside the garden.

Finally, if you want to be sure your kids and pets are safe outdoors while you are in the house, fix CCTV cameras at various points around the property. That way, you can keep a close eye on them while you work or do chores.

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