Preparing to Sell Your Home: Our Checklist


Putting a property on the market can be an intimidating experience. Everyone invests a lot of time and money in their property, so they want things to go smoothly.

This simple checklist will help you get ready to sell your home and put a plan in place before you start negotiating with buyers.

Ask a professional if you need to learn more about Bathymetry Surveys Gloucestershire.

Assess Your Finances

Selling a home is one of the biggest financial transactions you will ever make. You have a lot of money invested in your home, and you need to protect your investment.

The first step should be an honest appraisal of your personal finances. It can cost money to sell a property so you will need a plan in place to help absorb extra short-term costs. Once your home has sold you should get these costs back if you get your asking price.

Find Out Your Property’s Real Value

The next piece of the property puzzle is an accurate property valuation. The house prices in the local market are going to give you a rough idea. You will need to have the building surveyed to get an accurate value.

When you are looking for a property surveyor find one regulated by RICS. This ensures the building survey you receive is accurate and reliable. You can find RICS registered charted surveyors at Their team of experienced property valuers are all RICS registered. They use their training and expertise to generate a property valuation you can trust.

Clear the Clutter

From the moment your home hits the market its appearance is going to be critical to getting a quick sale. Time is money.

The photographs used to market your home to potential buyers are what draw them to a viewing. More viewings increase the chances of a sale or even a bidding war. Clear your home of clutter and take care of any little repairs that need doing. It should be in tiptop condition for its photoshoot.

Speak to an Estate Agent

There are a lot of ways to sell your home on your own, but this can be time-consuming and a little risky. Using a reputable, local estate agent is the simplest way to sell a home without any headaches.

Having a building survey and valuation is going to help you here. The estate agent can use this when deciding on a sales strategy. The sale price they suggest will is influenced by your survey and their knowledge of the market.

Prepare for Viewings

If everything goes to plan you will generate a lot of interest in your home from local buyers. Each viewing is an opportunity to make a sale, so you need to prepare your home.

Before you begin a run of viewings it is a good idea to give your house a deep clean including cleaning your carpets. Unpleasant odours can put people off a property. Experts say that the scent of a home can be as influential as its look upon prospective buyers.

Selling your home shouldn’t be stressful. Follow this checklist to help bring some order to the chaos of moving home.


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