Ideas to Make Your House Exterior More Attractive


First impression is the last impression. You may have heard the statement very often. How much do you think it applies to your house as well? Don’t you love the exteriors who grab your attention just in one glance? Do you want to add that stunning factor to your house exterior as well that leaves everyone in awe? Here we have some really simple ideas for you to make your house exterior look more attractive and add value to its curb appeal. Meanwhile, if you want high-quality interior and exterior painting for your home or business establishment, contact the trusted Painter Sydney

1. Change the Roofing

Roofing style of your house has a great impact on the outlook of your house. If your house has old roofing style, made of bricks or wood you might wanna change it to metal roofing as it is trending nowadays. Metal roof installation in Sydney will give your house an immensely different and trendy look. It is not only good for looks but has a lot of other benefits as well. 

2. Work on the Landscape 

Having a small garden or mini lawn in front of your house will make it look more fascinating. Update flowerbeds with new and colorful plants. Keep the plants in good shape. If you do not have enough space for a garden you can simply put flower pots to sides of your door and your entry path. If you cannot have big planters you can always go for smaller ones as well. You can add window boxes to give it a nice look.  Style the window boxes with beautiful and colorful flower arrangement. Adding planters and flowers will bring a significant difference to your house’s curb appeal. Ask a professional if you need to learn more about Verandah Planters Australia.

3. Refresh the Entryway 

To give your house a different look you can work on the entry pathway of your house as well. A well-designed path leading towards the front door always gives welcoming vibes. You can go for a stony pathway with planters on both sides. Or you can build it with bricks or tiles. Painting the pathway that compliments with the door and landscaping will also give it a pleasing look. 

4. Makeover the Front door 

The front door is always the focal point of your house. It gives a statement regarding your choice and taste. Be very mindful of the styling of the front door of your house. You can either change the complete door of your house or you can change its paint to give it a refresh look. Sydney painters can help you paint it in colors that will pop out and grab the attention. Change the hardware of your door as well. If you do not have a budget to change the hardware you can renew it by painting them in a color that compliments the door color. 

5. Add Outdoor Decorations 

Adding up little and cute outdoor decorations will enhance the charm of your house exterior. When we say outdoor decorations we are not only talking about front door wreaths. Of course wreaths give a warm welcoming look to your house. With a nice inviting wreath you can also put a windchime out there to make it more mesmerizing. If you have a garden then you can put bird-baths and water-sculptures to give it a more soothing look. 

6. Light Up the Outdoor 

Installing low voltage outdoor lighting is a very cost effective way to enhance the outlook of your house. It will not only give it a warm dreamy look but is also beneficial from the security point of view. If you already have outdoor lights installed then make sure they are clean. Light fixtures free of debris will give your outdoor a brighter and clearer look. You can also add up fairy lights around your window boxes to make them look more appealing. 

7. Refresh House Number

Refreshing your house number is a very effective way to enhance the outlook of your house. A house number visible from the road is alway helping and if you get creative with it then it will enhance the outdoor decor as well. There are so many modern and trendy ideas to update your house number. There is a trend of number plates with cute little planters or you can go for modern and trendy metal numbers or wooden numbers with lights underneath. 

8. Power Wash the Front Entry 

Nothing puts off the visitors than a messy and dirty looking front entry. Power washing will remove the years of dirt and debris and will give your walkway, driveway and front door steps a refreshing, neat and clean look. If you do not own a power washer you can rent it from any hardware store near you. 

9. Take Care of Small Repairing

Small damages give an impression of your negligence. Taking care of small damages and keeping up with the maintenance will keep your house tidy looking and attractive.

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