How You Can Make Your Home Serene


You want your home to be an escape from the stresses of the world, where you can walk in your front door and immediately feel at ease.

How can you turn your home into this serene space? Aside from building a sunroom with retractable roof, here are some ideas that you can try.

Use Colour Psychology

The concept of colour psychology is that colour can subconsciously affect someone’s mood and behaviour. So, if you’re trying to make your home feel more serene, you should paint the walls with colours that evoke that feeling. What colours do that? Light shades of blue and green are prized for making people feel peaceful and relaxed. White is also good for this.

Get More Sun

Getting a sunroom is a perfect way to add more serenity to your home. It gives you a designated spot to stop, relax and take in a gorgeous view.

Imagine this: you wake up early in the morning. The house is quiet. You make yourself a cup of hot coffee, walk over to your sunroom and sit in a comfy chair. Instead of scrolling through your phone or watching TV, you sip your coffee, watch the sunrise through the windows and listen to birds sing. A sunroom makes that all possible.

If you don’t have a sunroom already, how do you get one? You can start by booking a consultation with a company that offers a variety of sunrooms in the GTA for homeowners like you. They’ll help you outline the plans of your sunroom so that it fits the style of your Toronto home and makes you happy.

Change the Lights

You can change up the electrical lights in your house to suit your new, serene vibe. Start by swapping their regular light switches for dimmer switches. Dimmer switches let you control the intensity of the lighting, so you can have soft, delicate lighting when you want to relax.

You can replace your lampshades to soften your indoor lighting. Darker shades will concentrate the lamplight, whereas lighter colours will diffuse it. Pick replacements in lighter colours like soft pinks, yellows, beiges or creams.

The type of bulbs that you use can also make a difference! Incandescent bulbs are famous for creating warm, welcoming light — however, their biggest issue is that they’re not as eco-friendly as LED or CFL bulbs. If you only want to use eco-friendly bulbs, pick WiFi-enabled LED bulbs that can dim or change colour at your command.


Is your home a mess? Do you have random paper piles on your tables, dirty clothes on your chairs and junk sitting on your floor? Then, you need to invest some time and effort into decluttering. There is a strong relationship between mental health and mess — having a tidier space will cause you less stress and improve your mood. A clean house is a serene house.

Prioritize Comfort

When furnishing your home, you shouldn’t pick pieces based on their looks alone. You want them to be comfortable, too. If you’re going to be sitting on the sofa to watch a movie or read a book, you don’t want to have a sore neck or back after twenty minutes — that’s one of the tell-tale signs you should upgrade your sofa. You want to feel like you’re melting into the fabric.

Decorate your furniture with soft blankets and throw pillows. If you want to keep the surfaces clear, store these accessories nearby in a wooden chest or wicker basket.

By following these tips, you can make every room in your house serene. It’ll be so calming that you won’t want to leave.

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