How to Virus-Proof Your Home In 3 Easy Steps


Our homes serve as a crucial line of defense against any virus. We must equip it efficiently to help us with our current battle against COVID-19. During these difficult times, frequent disinfection and thorough cleaning of our homes are necessary to keep our household healthy. Here are some ways to keep the coronavirus at bay:

Invest in high-technology cleaning products

The market demand for premium home cleaning products increased exponentially. All around the globe, several innovations were developed to provide customers with more efficient and alternative options. From humidifiers, UV light sanitizers, antimicrobial door handles, and robot cleaners, consumers can choose the right product that suits their preferences and lifestyles.

These technologies are easier to use and proven to be more effective in removing dirt, especially in concealed areas. Just like how we invest in high-quality furniture, purchasing these cleaning technology products will prove to be a worthy investment over time.

Manage your guests and their expectations when they visit

As much as we want to see our relatives and friends, experts recommend limiting face-to-face exposure since the virus spreads through close and prolonged contact. If you decide to open up your home or if they come unannounced, you can follow the safety protocols given by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which include wearing masks or face coverings, frequent hand washing, staying six feet away from each other, and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

Ask your guests if they can remove their shoes and leave them outside. Get their temperature before they enter and deny entry or isolate those who are sick. Use disposable utensils, refrain from sharing your food, and disinfect your house right after they leave.

Practice proper cleaning and disinfection

Studies show that the virus can remain on stainless steel and plastic surfaces for three to four days, four hours on copper, and 24 hours on cardboard. It is also visible in aerosols for up to three hours. Health authorities recommend daily disinfection and cleaning of high-traffic surfaces such as doorknobs, countertops, toilets, sinks, faucets, tables, keyboards, phones, and light switches. Clean the dirty surface first with water and soap before using a household disinfectant. Wear disposable gloves during the entire process and discard them right after use.

Hiring a professional cleaner such as Maid For Homes Columbus can also save you from the stress and worries of maintaining a clean home. Some might argue that permitting an outsider to clean your home may be unsafe, but in reality, the benefits outweigh the risks. Professional cleaners are trained to clean your home meticulously using their equipment, supplies, and techniques.

We all can do our part in preventing the spread of this deadly virus. Deep cleaning our houses regularly can reduce the chances of our loved ones being infected. We are in a fight with an invisible opponent that already took millions of lives. We must keep our family safe, and as the saying goes, it starts at home.

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