How to Use a Biscuit Joiner


A biscuit joiner is a powerful woodworking tool that is able to join two pieces of wood together without nails, staples, or any kind of screws. For attachment purposes, it uses a small crescent-shaped cracker of compressed wood that is known as “biscuit.”

The biscuit comes with an oval shape appearance that plays the role of joining two pieces of wood together. It creates smooth, tight, and seamless joints. The best thing is, a biscuit joiner is as cheap as chips and easy to use at the same time.

However, if you are a newcomer, then, of course, you need some basic knowledge regarding a biscuit joiner. That is the reason we are here to show you how to use a biscuit joiner in the right way, stay tuned!

How a Biscuit Joiner Works?

A plate joiner or a biscuit joiner is a machine that runs by electricity. It uses a small yet effective cutting blade to cut a rounded hole into the piece of wood. For firm attachment, you have to place some glue in the hole, insert the biscuit and, joint clamped till the glue dry up properly. The fluid in the glue spreads the compressed wood to enhance the durability of the joint.

Step by Step Guide of Using a Biscuit Joiner

To know how to use a biscuit joiner, you have to stay with us until the end. We are providing the step by step guide so that you can understand the proper way with ease:


At first, make sure to line up the pieces of wood that you are going to join. Place them all in the same way.


By using a pencil or a marker pen, draw a triangle on the width of the boards. This triangular guide will help you to place the boards back together in their right locations.


Mark the areas where you are going to place biscuits. The placement of the biscuits should be around 6-inch apart from the board.


Then, you should give another mark on the other piece of wood, the location should be the same as the previous.


It is time to adjust the depth of the cut. Nowadays, most of the biscuit joiner has included the “biscuit size selector knob” feature that is located on the opposite side to the cutting angle adjuster and height scale. Just switch the knob for activating.


After setting up the depth of cutting, make sure to place the biscuit joiner rigidly on the board where you provided pencil marks. Assure that you are going in the same direction.

Note: While cutting, stay away from the unnecessary movements, as it may cause inaccurate cutting that you don’t expect!


For releasing the blade, you should apply an adequate amount of pressure so that you can allow the joiner to cut the wood in a proper way. If your joiner is totally new or you are not using it for many days, then there is a chance of blade retracting. However, don’t be worried! Take some time while cutting and push as much pressure as possible.


Now, cut the slots on the piece of wood, it should be at least 2-1/2 inch from the ending of the board. Make sure to keep the fence plane on the board. Turn the switch on and then push the joiner slowly against the wood till the biscuit joiner shuts. After that, you can retract the power tool.


After completing the cutting task, now you have to cover up each and every biscuit by using some wet wood glue. As an alternative way, you can simply apply glues inside the slots. Both of these methods are convenient, so it is up to you!


After gluing up all the pieces, ensure to fix the biscuits into the slots. Take a couple of minutes till it dries up.


By using some wood clamps, make sure to clamp the two pieces that you are going to attach. For a sturdy attachment, wood clamps have no alternatives!


After clamping the wood pieces, make sure to wipe the additional glues that can stay on the other sides of the board. Pick up rags or clothes that should be clean as well. Clean off the adhesives before drying up.


So, your job is done. But still, another duty is left, which is to clean the biscuit joiner by following the manufacturer’s guide. If you want to maintain it or use it for years, then definitely, you need to look after this power tool that you are using.

A Few Safety and Maintenance Tips:

Although the cutter of the biscuit joiner stays retracted when you are not using it as well as buried in the wood when you use it, however, it requires a minimal amount of caution to run efficiently. To maintain adequate safety, you have to:

  • Wear safety equipment, including goggles, gloves, hearing protection, etc.
  • Try to keep your hands and fingers away (while cutting) from the device as much as possible!
  • Stay away from loose clothes, ornaments, and full-sleeve shirts while you are cutting woods.

Henceforth, the way of maintaining a biscuit joiner is quite a piece of cake! Just ensure to change the cutting blade while it becomes dull or useless. But the good thing is, most of the cutter is able to offer years of work unless you join a heap of boards!

The Final Cut

This was our short yet efficient guide of how to use a biscuit joiner. By reading this write-up, you have earned a lot of information regarding a biscuit joiner. It is one of the most effective power tools that can attach two different blocks of wood with ease by only the piece of a crescent-shaped biscuit!

Moreover, it is relatively easy to maneuver compare with other power tools. So, what’s the verdict? Still any confusion regarding the topic, hopefully not!

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