How to Remodel Your Bathroom to Increase Your Home’s Resale Value


There are many ways you can try and increase the value of your home for resale, including making upgrades and carrying out home maintenance. Many homeowners look at more expensive ways of upgrading their homes, including the decision to make upgrades to your bathroom in the hope of seeing a high return on investment. HGTV reports the upgrades made to any bathroom will not provide a higher return on investment if other areas of home maintenance are neglected, such as a leaking roof or water in the basement.

Making the Right Choices

The first step when you are considering a bathroom remodel Houston homebuyers will enjoy is to decide on how long you will be living in your home before you are hoping to sell the property. If you are looking to stay in your home for a few years before selling, you should aim your remodel at your own needs and wants. Moving explains the return you can expect from solely remodeling your bathroom varies by the area of the U.S. you live in. The average mid-range bathroom remodel costs around $20,000 and provides an ROI of around 60 percent as a national average. In some areas, such as Baltimore, an upgraded bathroom provides a far higher ROI of around 180 percent.

Look at your Fixtures

One of the first areas you should look at when hoping to complete a bathroom remodel Houston buyers want to view is the fixtures. You may not notice your fixtures are outdated daily, but your potential buyers will want to see brand new, modern fixtures that can be enjoyed for years to come. No matter when you plan to sell your home, you should look for high-quality fixtures that fit into the overall style of your home and your newly renovated bathroom.

Colors have an Impact

When we look to remodel a bathroom, there are some different ways of making an impact on your renovated area. We often focus on the more expensive options of installing new bathtubs and showers, but a lick of paint can have quite an impact on your home value when you consider the impact a modern, light color can have on your bathroom. The bright colors you have chosen for your bathroom may not have the same impact on a potential buyer. Instead, you should look for neutral colors that provide a sense of space and brightness that can positively impact your ability to sell your home.

Choose the Correct Options

There are many options open to you when you are upgrading your bathroom that will increase the value of your home. You may enjoy spending some time in a bath, but the trend for the majority of people in the 21st-century is for enjoying a shower when needed. Instead of investing in a large bathtub, you will now see a higher rate of return on investment when you invest in a standup shower that includes a glass cubicle to add to the overall effect on a floor to ceiling shower. If you have a shower that is on the smaller side, adding glass screens that add to the sense of space you feel you can enjoy as you move forward with your remodel and house sale.

Choose Timeless Styles

One thing to remember when you are remodeling a bathroom for resale is you are not choosing options for yourself. Instead, you are looking for a style and overall design that will allow you to sell your home in the fastest time. You can begin by moving forward with your bathroom remodel by setting out what kind of colors and materials are the most popular. Pastels and brighter colors may be your favorites, but most potential buyers want to see a classic style, such as a white subway tile as a backsplash. When remodeling your bathroom you should choose natural stone materials and neutral colors that create a bright, airy room.

Look for Energy Savings

Everybody likes to save money and potential homeowners will now look to conduct studies of the energy use of your home. If you are remodeling your home, you should spend much of your research time hunting down the bathroom appliances, such as bathtubs, showers, and toilets that will lower utility costs for potential buyers. By doing this, you will add to the chances of selling your home for a profit when potential buyers see the work you have completed t help save them money on their monthly bills.

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