How to Make Your Own Cushions


Homemakers will always want to accessorise, decorate and make their living spaces as personal as possible. It’s just the way it works. They want to make their homes reflect their styles and aesthetics as they understand it makes the space more comfortable. While it’s easy to purchase various accessories to complement the room, some homemakers would love nothing more than to create their own and stamp their style on the room’s aesthetics.

Some homemakers don’t want to settle for mass-produced stuff. Instead, they want to make their own because it allows them to express their creativity and style. All it takes is a bit of elbow grease, patience, and an inordinate sense of style to make something gorgeous to complement their existing furniture and other accessories. One of the things that homemakers find time to make themselves are cushions because who doesn’t want to have more? Cushions are a perfect way to add personality, colour, and style to any room and can also be a terrific housewarming gift for friends and family.

Here’s how you can make your cushions.

Cut your foam to the right size

First, you’ll need to cut the foam to the right size. The size depends on your need, so you can go as big as needed. Next, draw cutting lines on the foam with a sharpie. It’ll be best to use a ruler, a meterstick or any piece of straight wood to help you out. Then, cut the foam using your preferred cutting tool. Once you’re done, test it out and make the necessary adjustments.

Calculate the fabric

You must also measure the upholstery fabric properly. This fabric doesn’t come cheap, so it’s best to ensure you’ve got the right measurements before cutting. It’s recommended to use a paper guide to get the measurements right. Expert seamstresses also recommend ironing the fabric first before cutting. Wrinkled fabric will straighten out once ironed, and the appearance and dimensions will differ. Remember to choose the section you like as the front of the cushion. Ensure that your foam will fit the fabric.

Sew it properly

Once you have cut the fabric and laid it out properly, it’s time to get to sewing. You can, of course, use a sewing machine for this purpose, but you can also hand-sew everything if you feel like doing so. Don’t forget to match the sides properly and leave an opening so you can insert the foam before you finish the job. Alternatively, you can attach a zipper to one side to change your foam periodically.

Accessorise to finish

You can get creative during this part of the process. First, you can apply all the decoration in the front and back parts of the cushion. Then, accessorise the edges and corners by attaching lace, buttons, tassels and other accoutrements to make the cushion look gorgeous. You can even incorporate swatches of old clothes to make them even more personalised.


Making a cushion can be quite relaxing and therapeutic as it allows the homemaker an opportunity to express their creativity. The process is simple, but the results will be worthwhile.

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