How to Make Your Kitchen Renovation Worth Every Penny in 6 Steps


For many homeowners, the kitchen is the heart of their homes. It’s where they spend their time cooking and socializing with loved ones. Unless you work with Easy Renovation, kitchen renovation is one notoriously expensive improvement — often costing more than $20,000 or even $30,000 when all is said and done. Here’s how to make sure that it’s all worth it.

How to Prepare for a Kitchen Renovation

Kitchens are one of the busiest rooms in a home. There are always things being prepared and cooked by the homeowner, and also often used by other members of the family or guests. This means that it’s important to make sure that everything is organized and easy to use when there’s a lot happening in the kitchen. Also, do not let the project take your free time, it’s always a scarce resource, and don’t let it steal your comfort. No kitchen design is worth your stress.

Follow these steps that will make the whole process more enjoyable and will increase your chances to get the most satisfying result possible.

Step Zero: Remember Why You Started

It would be useful to keep pictures of your old kitchen somewhere close during the whole renovation project. Was it the look of your old kitchen that wasn’t satisfying? Was it just tired? Or you wanted something new, just because it’s your kitchen and you can do whatever you want with it? Even if the initial target won’t do the trick — you’ll see the evolution of your kitchen and will be able to compare the result with what you’ve had. Sometimes the feelings and the contrast can get surprising.

Step One: Hire the Right Company

Too many people dream of renovating their kitchens, and nothing happens. They look for the cheapest company, which will guarantee them a quick result — only to find themselves looking at an empty kitchen that is way too expensive.

The only way to make sure that your renovation will be cost effective, is to find an experienced company, which has made thousands of kitchen renovation projects over the years.

In order to make sure that you’re getting value for money and a good quality result, you need to let the contractor do their thing. If you have any concerns or questions go ahead and talk to them before they start working on your project.

Step Two: Create a Budget

When you work with a new company for the first time, it’s always good to have a budget and know what your estimated expenses will be like. A good investment can sometimes turn out to be more than you expect.

Step Three: Draft a Schedule

Before you start your renovation, Pull together a schedule of the whole project. This will allow everyone to know what’s going to be done when, the materials to get ready, etc. It’s also useful for identifying any problems that might crop up during the process. Is there an extra step that would’ve been solved much earlier if they had been planned? Most important, it helps you avoid any mistakes and ensures that your project will go on track as planned.

Step Four: Be Brave

Do not hesitate to do major changes to the whole kitchen plan. You can always choose a new plan:

  • U-shape and L-shape;
  • Peninsula kitchen;
  • Island kitchen;
  • The Single Wall.

You’re paying for a whole new area in your home, so why not experiment with it. If the new layout will be more practical and comfortable — you soon won’t miss the old one.

Step Five: Aim at Practicality

If your kitchen is going to be used a lot, you need to choose the right materials and finishes. For example:

  • Stainless steel for cooking;
  • Neutral colors for the rest of the kitchen;
  • Accent wood for cabinets.

When you want to make a drastic change with your kitchen, think ahead. Otherwise, you will end up paying twice.

Last Step: Enjoy it!

It’s easy to forget about the nice things when you’re busy planning, but remember that at the end of the day it’s still just a kitchen. Smile when looking at your new kitchen and enjoy it.


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