How To Make Your Fire-Damaged House Sellable


Each year, a lot of houses are damaged by fire. The damages can range from a couple of a hundred to thousands of dollars. In recent times, wildfires in places like California have added to the causes of house fires. The cost of repairs might be punitive, despite your insurance covering part of the damage. If your house has been damaged, especially on the inside, you might experience a serious challenge when selling it.

If you are looking to make your fire-damaged house sellable, consider the following tips.

Contact and Co-operate with Your Insurance Company

If a fire destroys your home, you should contact your insurance agency immediately. Tell them what happened and the extent of the damage. In most cases, insurance companies give fire claims top priority. The company will send an adjuster within a few days to assess the damage and make a report. It is important to inform the company immediately so that you can start the claims process promptly. Delaying will mean that your fire-damaged house stays longer without being repaired.

Clean Water and Soot Damage

Water damage can be costly to repair. During a fire, water features like pipes, valves, and sinks might be damaged leading to water spillage. Also, according to the extent of the fire, considerable amounts of water might have been used to put it out.

If left unchecked for a few days, mold will start to appear. Soot particles from combusted synthetic and natural materials may contain hazardous elements like metals, dust, acids, and chemicals. A house with considerable soot and water damage from a fire will result in a higher restoration bill.

Repair the House

Fire damage can be extensive and expensive. Smoke, soot, and water damage might leave you with a high repair bill. However, you need to repair your house fully to attract buyers. Smoke is known to cause extensive damage because it can spread to any part of the house. If not fully addressed, occupants of the house might be at risk of respiratory problems and other smoke-related complications.

Consider replacing cracked tiles, broken faucets, damaged lighting features such as bulbs and chandeliers, and replacing damaged plumbing systems. In some instances, you can directly sell the house. The folks at We Buy Fire Damaged Houses advise that you sell the house as-is and escape the cost of repairs. You can get a considerable sum of money if you find a reputable site.

Repair the House


Houses damaged by fire are harder to sell because you have to disclose the fire damage to potential buyers. It is even harder when you have personal items on the walls and every corner of your house. Depersonalize your house to help buyers visualize living in your space.

How do I Depersonalize?


Let your potential buyers feel comfortable walking around as they view the house. If you have clutter in the rooms and hallways, the potential buyer might feel like they are trespassing. Sometimes, clutter also sends a message that you don’t want any intrusion into your living space. This is the last impression you want to create as you look to sell.

Stage Your Home

This essentially means making your house as generic and appealing as possible. Remove all personal items that might be sensitive to different people, like religious artifacts, sports items, and any political material. Replace these with neutral artwork.

Create a Welcoming Environment

Create an environment of peaceful and good living to attract potential buyers. Chances are clients who might overlook the fire damage and focus on the house and the value it offers.

The Cleaner the Better

When looking to sell a fire-damaged house, cleanliness is key. The potential buyers might be easily turned off by dirty window panes or dusty carpets. It is best to mow the lawn, clean the interior of the house thoroughly, plant flowers, repaint the house, repair broken panes, and any other cleanup work necessary. A clean home might be more enticing, and potential buyers might even overlook the fact that it was damaged by fire.

Don’t Overprice

Don’t place an unrealistic price tag on your house. Remember that fire has taken its toll on the house already. You might end up taking too long to sell.

Take Great Photos

Take listing photos that showcase the best aspects of your house. Use lots of natural lighting and special features, if possible.

Fire damage should, therefore, not put a damper on the prospects of selling your house. You can still get good value from a fire-damaged house by following the above tips.

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