How to Make Fruit Slushies at Home?


As John Mayer says, “A little bit of summer is what the whole year is all about,” summers are really the one season where you can enjoy life to the fullest. But summers are never complete without slushies to cool that heat down. While most people will go out to get slushies for themselves, why don’t you stay in your house and make some natural fruit slushies for you and your family?

In summers, fruit slushies are the best natural and healthy way to keep up the fruit game and keeping anyone from a kid to an older person hydrated. When someone mentions slushies, you may think of going out to get some. However, the truth is that you can make some amazing and healthy fruit slushies at home. 

Here are some slushy recipes for you that you can make either with a slush machine. However, if you don’t have one, you can also use a strong blender or mixer (slush machines are preferred as they give the same texture as the slushy you get from a store).  Meanwhile, you can also visit the following link if you want to know the top online casinos where you can win real cash.

Making Fruit Slushies at Home 


For everyone’s convenience, we wouldn’t stick to just one method; instead, we will tell you different ways of making fruit slushies at home. First, we will tell you how to make fruit slushies with a slush machine and then with a blender or mixer. Let’s get started. 

Fruit Slushies with a Slush Machine 


Making fruit slushies with a slush machine is the easiest method of all. You don’t need to worry about expensive ingredients to make fruit slushies with a slush machine. 

The following are the fruits preferred for this method:

  • Cherries
  • Blue Berry
  • Raspberry
  • Lemon
  • Watermelon
  • Mango
  • Apple

However, you can use any other fruits, too, if you want. Let’s dive into the process of making some amazing and healthy fruit slushies; you can literally turn any of your favorite fruit into a delicious slushy if you follow the steps properly. 


All the ingredients required for making fruit slushies are easily available in any local supermarket or any farmer’s market. Following are the things you will need for making any kind of fruit slushy with a slush machine:

  • Frozen or fresh fruits (washed, chopped, and juiced properly)
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey (depends upon the fruit you are using and your preferences)
  • Half cup of water (sparkling or regular)
  • Slush machine 


To make fruit slushy in a slush machine, you will need to get the juice of the fruits you are using; you can juice the fruits with the help of a juicer or a blender (if using a blender, make sure you strain the juice properly). 

Now that you have the juiced fruits, add the juice, sugar/honey, and water to the slush machine, put on the lid, and turn the machine on. Let it work until the mixture gets a smooth and snowy texture. Pour out the slushy into glasses and serve them immediately. 

You can use any fruit to make slushies in a slush machine; all you need to do is make juice out of the fruits and ensure that there are no seeds or peels. 

Making Slushy with a Blender or Mixer 

Making Slushy with a Blender or Mixer

Don’t have a slush machine? No worries, we have got you covered for this summer. You don’t need to own a slush machine to enjoy a delicious glass of fruit slushy at home. Instead of a slush machine, you can use your strong blender or mixer to make it. Just like a slush machine, you can use any fruit for making fruit slushies in a blender; just make sure there are no seeds or peels of the fruits in it. 

Following is a list of things you will need to get started. On the other hand, if you want to find out the best usa online sports betting, click the link given.


You can find all these ingredients from any local supermarket and others will surely be available at your home. So, it’s never hard to find the right ingredients for the fruit slushy. 

  • Chilled water 
  • Sugar or honey (as per your requirement)
  • Ice (about 4 cups or as much as needed to make the drink look snowy and smooth) 
  • Frozen or fresh fruit (properly washed and chopped)
  • A strong blender or mixer


Make sure you have washed, peeled, and chopped the fruit you are going to use for the slushy before getting started. 

After you have your fruit ready, get your blender and start adding your ingredients. Ice goes first, and then the fruits, water, and sugar/ honey, respectively. Keep blending until all the ingredients have completely blended and the mixture has gotten a snowy and smooth texture. If you feel like the texture isn’t as smooth as you wanted, you can add more ice and blend. 

Pour into glasses and serve it instantly while it’s still chilled and fresh. 

Some Tips for Making the Best Fruit Slushy

Making slushies is not hard; it just takes five minutes to make any kind of slushy. However, there are some tips and tricks that will help you make the yummiest fruit slushy ever. It is okay to add more sugar/honey when required and vice versa. Some fruits are naturally very sweet, for example, mangoes and apples, and don’t need much sugar or honey. On the other hand, fruits like blueberries or lemon need more sweetness to taste better, and you should add more honey or sugar to such slushies. 

You can use fresh and frozen fruits; however, frozen fruits are preferred for making slushies as they are already chilled and storable. You can use bagged frozen fruits and can freeze fruits yourself too. 

Make sure you serve the slushy in transparent glasses along with a spoon and a straw. Slushies are best to be eaten in the beginning; however, after a while, the ice melts, and the straw comes in handy. 

Lastly, you can also turn the leftover slushy mixture into homemade popsicles. Simply pour the leftover mixture into popsicle molds and freeze. Give these to your kids whenever they need a snack to munch on. 

Are Fruit Slushies Actually Helpful For Staying Hydrated?

The short answer is, YES, they are. Fruit slushies are purely made out of fruits and fruit juice, making them more helpful for keeping anyone hydrated. The fruits, along with water, also contain several vitamins and minerals that are great for health. 

It is important to stay hydrated in summers, but most people, especially kids, find it hard to keep drinking water as it has no taste. In such situations, fruit slushies come in handy; the yummy natural flavor, cooling, and hydrating properties of fruit slushies make it the best drink to have in summers. 


Instead of going out in the heat and drinking expensive and synthetically flavored slushies, try making natural and healthy fruit slushies at home. Fruit slushies will keep you and your kids hydrated and build the immune systems stronger. Moreover, it is the best way to keep the fruit intake of your family in check; even if they don’t like eating fruits, they can’t say no to slushies, neither can you. 

So, grab your fruits and slush machine and start making your favorite fruit slushies now.

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