How to Install a Touchless Kitchen Faucet Even for the First Time?


The kitchen sink can get really dirty sometimes. And the same holds true for kitchen faucets. More often than not, you use your sticky and soiled hands to turn it on. Enter the touchless kitchen faucet. And that opens the door to how to install a touchless kitchen faucet.

You now know how to avoid spreading germs to those handles. You simply opt for the best motion-activated device. That requires no direct contact. And while doing so, you’re also saving water and time.

But when it comes to installation, you might be a little inexperienced. How to replace a kitchen sink faucet, the touchless kind? This is a question that needs to be answered. And answered correctly at that!

Let me just tell you that the steps involved aren’t all that difficult. Once you understand what to do, doing it is child’s play.  Heck its as easy as a trip to the local Car Dealership Website

How to Install a Touchless Kitchen Faucet

What you’ll need:

  • Tape measure
  • Screwdriver
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Drill bit (3/32)
  • Drill
  • Batteries
  • And one of the best touchless kitchen faucets of course.

The method:

1. Place the faucet

First off, turn off both the cold and hot water supplies. It’s important you do this before removing the old faucet. After that, thread the shank, hoses, and data cable of your new faucet. Via the gasket of the deck!

Align properly to the base of the kitchen faucet’s body. Now you can insert the shank, hoses, and cable through the hole. When there are multiple holes, you should install the plate. Just ensure that you place the handle to the right. And that the spout faces you before moving forward.

2.  Secure the faucet


Below the sink, you’ve got to the slide the plate over those cables. Then you slide the washer over the shank. This is when the hoses and data cable should be within the washer curve.

Now you thread the nut on the shank of the faucet. The faucet should be correctly placed on top of the sink or counter. Then tighten the nut using the installation tool.

Here’s an expert tip for you. Use a screwdriver during this step to make tightening easier.

3. Install the hose bracket

Now is the time to install the bracket of the hose of the taps for kitchen. Keep it at least two inches away from the connecting hose. Slide this bracket over the faucet end. Then secure it in place. With the help of the hose-guiding nut! Guide it into the spout carefully.

Then get rid of the protective cap of the hose. And attach it to the main faucet using the quick connecting lines.

The last thing left to do here is to press and then clip. If you hear the audible click, it means a secure, stable connection is brought into existence.

4. Connect the supply and hose lines


How do you begin connecting the supply and hose lines? First, you identify the matching inlets located on that control box. Eliminate the protective caps present on all the hoses. To push each hose into place! Then just pull slightly only to ensure a secure hose connection.

Now would be the right time to connect both the cold and hot water supply lines. You can secure the present connection using a good adjustable wrench. Keep the connection snug and not over-tight. Then attach the cold water supply hose in a similar manner.

During this step, it’s important to connect the hoses to their correct inlets. If you’re confused between the hot and cold water supply lines, here’s a perfect solution. Just remember that the hot water line comes with a white color tag.

5. Install the control box

You simply snap that control box to the hose-guiding nut. When mounting this control box on the base, place it right where the hoses and data cable can reach. It’s that simple, isn’t it?

6. Attach the spray wand


When you remove the protective cover, don’t forget to ensure this. That the screen and rubber washer are in their proper place. Then thread the wand into the hose. Tighten it using the adjustable wrench. Till that hose nut becomes one with the wand. Just avoid over-tightening it.

Locate the white color marking on the hose. Then install the weight right below it.

7. Install the battery pack

The wire should reach the control box during the battery pack installation. Once again, remove the cover and then insert the batteries. Before replacing the cover back again!

You can even attach the batteries against your wall. Using what though? With the help of a screw or double-lined adhesive!

8. Plug in the data cable

Plugging the data cable to the control box is easy.

First, remove the protective cap. Second, ensure that the USB connection is aligned correctly with the port. Third, use the zip tie for banding the cables and hoses together. But this is not something you should be doing when installing a pull-down kitchen faucet.

Then you need to insert the battery wire into that control box. Nothing should be within three feet of the sensors. This guarantees proper startup. Blue light blinking means it’s time for the final step.

9. Turn on the water

It’s finally time to turn on the inlets. The last step involves checking the under-sink region. To get rid of any objects or cleaning supplies. That might be inhibiting movement! Only then will your hose function properly.  If it doesn’t work, you can check consumer reports kitchen faucets for help.

How to Install a Touchless Kitchen Faucet

Now you know how to install a touchless kitchen faucet, don’t you? I hope the instructions were simple to follow. If you have any more useful information to add to make the process easier, please don’t hold back.

I know it’s a simple topic. But that’s exactly how it should be when installing a kitchen faucet. Even though touchless!

About the author:

Jennifer Kessler is undoubtedly a very talented mommy blogger. If you want to read real, well-written, and fun posts about parenting, her platform has a sea of information to offer. She creates articles not because that’s the norm. But because she wishes to instantly connect with people looking for the right kind of solutions online. Even if that means choosing the most suitable products to make life much more convenient than it seems at the moment.

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