How To Find The Best landscape Designers In Melbourne


Not satisfied with your lawn?  If you’re looking to upgrade your outdoor spaces, it may be time to hire a landscape designer. Cleaner air, cooler temperatures, and increased property value are all great reasons for hiring a landscape designer to transform your lawn.

Unfortunately, landscape design is a relatively broad field. Some designers may start working without the proper education or certification. There are also some who may overcharge for basic services. If you’re looking to find the best landscape designers in Melbourne, here are some key tips:

1. Get References

Finding a good landscape designer in Melbourne, such as Seyffer Designs, may just be a matter of asking the right person. Talk to your friends, neighbors, or other local businesses about their local landscaping company. They may have hired one company or another in the past and can give you an idea on which firm you must hire. Be sure to ask them if they’re happy with the end result. Also, don’t hesitate to ask them why they chose this designer over others.

2. Do Some Research

You may also want to start by doing some research on the website of the designer. Check out several different websites before making a final decision. A landscape designer’s website should be easy to navigate and provide lots of information. You should see portfolios of the contractors you’re considering and be able to contact them right away. Some websites allow you to leave comments and feedback, as well as post questions about their services. This will allow you to get a feel of how others feel about their work and what sort of customer experience they provide.

3. Check Their Qualifications

In contrast to landscape architects, landscape designers work on small, residential landscaping projects. While a degree may not be a requirement for landscape designers, proper education is a clear sign they can do quality work. This education might extend to a specialization. If you’re going to hire someone to provide specific services, such as making an edible or native landscape, make sure you know exactly what the designers can and can’t do. If they don’t seem knowledgeable about a specific type of landscape design, then, it’s likely they aren’t up to the task.

Similarly, it may be important to check if they’re part of a local or national association that might be able to vouch for the caliber of their work. Some landscape designers aren’t licensed. Thus, it should be in your best interest to research about the architect you’re interested in to see what licensing requirements they have before you hire them.


4. Compare Costs

When looking for the best landscape designer in Melbourne, you won’t want to go with the lowest price tag you find—that could well mean the lowest quality of work. Find out how much the average Melbourne landscape company charges you for a service. Usually, the more work you want done, the higher the price. Find out the minimum service cost you’ll have to pay before you start shopping around. Then, you can compare the costs with your budget and the potential value you’ll be receiving to end up with the best bang for your buck.

5. Browse Previous Work

Whether you have very specific plans for the redesign of your lawn or you’re just looking for a change, it’s key to browse the portfolios of different landscape designers. This will give you a better idea of their style and their capabilities. It may also spark some inspiration for what you want out of your own garden. If you’re looking for a traditional English-style garden redesign, you may not want to go with a designer who specializes in Zen garden desertscapes!

6. Find The Right Connection

Finally, a good landscape designer will be willing to answer any questions you might have about their business. It’s important that the person you hire has your best interest at heart. They should be available to provide you with valuable information to any queries regarding the project you want done and should be prepared to address any concerns you might have.


Finding a good landscape designer shouldn’t be difficult if you keep the above tips in mind. The key is to find someone who has the right experience and skills, and has good references. You’ll be happy that you took the time to find the right landscape designer for your yard as you’ll feel like you’ve gotten someone who has the ability to give you the quality of work that you’re looking for. Good luck, and happy gardening!

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