How to choose insoles for shoes that are too big



Sometimes your shoes may be too big or even too loose, which may tamper with your comfortability when walking or after having a long day journey. Therefore to avoid such stress, you need to take time and learn how to choose insoles for shoes that are too big for you.

This article will show you the elementary steps you should consider when choosing the right insole for your big shoes. But before that, let us first understand what an insole is so that you can comprehend the steps involved in choosing the perfect insole.

What is insole?

An insole is a small material placed in the interior part of the shoes for warmth, comfort, and even better fitting. You can also refer to them as inner soles or footbeds. The primary function of an insole is to bring comfortability when wearing shoes. Usually, an insole does not make shoes appear small, but they only occupy the empty space within the shoes.

Besides comfortability, insoles help in making your shoes fresh since you can take them out of the shoes and clean. Additionally, you can use them with toe inserts, especially when your shoes are very big, thus giving extra support. If you’re looking for effective foot support that also helps reduce inflammation, you must try wearing orthotic inserts.

Step by step guide how to choose insoles for shoes that are too big

Usually, choosing the most appropriate insole for your shoes depends mostly on a specific problem that you encounter with your shoes. Therefore, below are some of the essential steps you should follow when choosing insoles for shoes that are too big.

1. Consider the foot type

Before choosing any type of insole for your too big shoes, it is good to consider your foot first. Therefore, to achieve on this, you can use a wet test. Generally, there are three sorts of feet which may incorporate your foot, the level of your foot as well as high curved foot. Once you complete establishing the type of foot, you can go ahead and comfortably choose the perfect insole for your big shoes.

2. Select the appropriate insole material

Generally, shoe insoles of the shoes that are too big consist of different materials such as cork, gel, and leather. Each material is totally unique and provides the user with other preferences. Therefore, when making your selection, you should choose the one that is perfect for you.

3. Identify the type of insole that you want

In fact, there are different types of insoles in the market that features different benefits and highlights. It is advisable that before buying an insole, ensure that you have correct information on the various categories of the insoles that exist. Below are the different types of insoles that you should know.

Heel support insoles

Heel support insoles are of two categories, which include partial heel cup as well as the entire sole. Therefore, in case you require any additional heel support, consider selecting any of the two insoles. Usually, they are suitable, especially when your shoes are too big since they provide some essential support to your feet.

Gel insoles

This type of insoles comes from the materials that provide extra comfort because of their thickness and softness. The insoles are suitable, especially for the feet pain or even joint pain.

Arch support insoles

When you walk or run over a long distance, you may feel some discomfort in your arch. Therefore when this arises, you can grab the arch support insoles for your big shoes because they are the best option for you. Besides, they are capable of providing exceptional arch support.

Orthotic insoles

The insoles are very significant because they provide metatarsal, arch as well as heel support. They will enable the maximum foot alignment as well as control when running and walking. Orthotic insoles can be either thin or thick.

Trainer insoles

Trainer insoles are very crucial, especially to the athletes who wish to move to the next level on their careers. The insoles feature a design that provides the user with maximum support on their feet. Besides, the insole has an arch design, built-in heel, and a toe, which makes them crucial for intense activities.

4. Choose the correct insole size

When selecting the insole, you should not choose a larger or smaller one that exceeds your shoes. Pick the perfect size of the insole, which will provide you with the right support and fits comfortably to your shoes.

5. Footbed

If you want to select the right insole for your shoes that are too big, first make sure that the one you pick has the perfect footbed for your foot. There are four main types of this footbed: arch cushioned support, padding without arch support, rigid and semi-rigid.

The insoles that come with such highlights usually are suitable for shoes that are too big as well as overweight and bulky folks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do insoles hurt at first?

Usually, you should feel comfortable when wearing insoles for the first time unless they do not belong to you. However, if, by any chance, you feel uncomfortable with the brand new insoles, you can avoid wearing them altogether. Pains and aches may result in some injuries, and blisters can also result in some skin infection.

How long should an insole last?

The best shoe insole does not last forever. However, with regular use, the insole may last up to six months. The period of lasting depends on several factors such as the intensity of the user as well as the structure of the foot. On the other hand, for serious runners, the insoles may only take three to four months.


In a nutshell, having gone through this article, I hope that you have acquired insight information on how to choose insoles for shoes that are too big. Therefore, if you realize that your shoes are too big, you should treat the issue urgently by selecting the perfect insole for you. Also, it is good to understand better the type of the insoles and their materials for a better decision.

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