How Often Should You Replace Your Roofing?


Your roof is an integral element of your home. Protecting you from the intense Canadian elements and sneaky little critters, your roof works hard to maintain the integrity of your home’s structure. Therefore, it’s important that you show a little love and attention to your roof in return.

While roof replacements aren’t the most exciting of home improvement projects, they are a crucial one. However, such a renovation can admittedly be a bit pricey. Therefore, learning how long your roof will last and signs of it beginning to age can allow you to start financially planning for the expense. So let’s break down how often you should be replacing your roofing.

Consider The Materials

When it comes time to replace your roof, there are several materials that you can choose from. The material that you select will influence how often you will need to replace your roof. Some examples include:

Composition Shingles: 12-20 years

Asphalt Shingles: 15-30 years

Wood Shingles: 20-25 years

Rubber Roofs: 30-50 years

Metal Roofs: 50-75 years

It’s important to note that the length of time that a type of material lasts is not an indication of its quality. Rather, a combination of factors, including price, durability, and appearance, are considered with choosing your roofing material. Despite their comparatively short lifespan, asphalt shingles are used on the majority of residential homes in Canada.

As well, the above timeframes will be influenced by the type of climate that your roof is exposed to. Severe winters, which include high winds and heavy snows, will cause the roofing material to deteriorate more quickly. Naturally, as a country that experiences its fair share of extreme winters, this isn’t ideal.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help maintain your roofing. Annual tasks include trimming branches, unclogging eavestroughs, monitoring moss, and ensuring your attic is properly insulated and vented. Meanwhile, to protect your roofing from extreme heat and UV rays, you can have a protective coating added every few years.

Study Your Roof

If you have recently moved into a new home, you may not have an idea of how old your roofing is, and thus whether it is in need of replacing. Fortunately, there are several ways to determine whether your roofing has begun to deteriorate:

  • The shingles are beginning to curl up
  • There are cracks in the shingles
  • Shingles are missing
  • You notice a dip or sagging in your roof
  • There are signs of mould or rot
  • Greenery has begun to grow on your roof
  • There are signs of water damage or leaking
  • Depending on the roofing material, you may notice granules of the material in your eavestrough
  • There is light shining through to your attic

When you are considering the purchase of a home, your home inspector should take a thorough look at your roof and advise you on its condition. Otherwise, it’s recommended that you inspect your roof approximately twice a year. This will allow you to catch any issues or concerns before they develop into anything more serious.

If you do manage to catch a problem early on, you can always investigate the option of roofing repairs. Sometimes a missing or damaged shingle is simply a result of a bad hail storm, but does not reflect the entirety of your roofing system. A roofing repair allows you to simply tackle that one issue, thus saving you money.

Be Mindful Of Environmental Factors

Modern roofs don’t have a lot of issues. But old roofing systems, aged 10 years and above, might already need replacement. Environmental factors can affect the longevity of your roofing system, such as the weather, debris, birds’ nests, and algae formation. Severe weather conditions such as hail storm and hurricane may have a drastic impact on your roof, causing bending, cracks, and holes. On the other hand, algae stains are difficult to clean. They also cause an unpleasant appearance to your lovely home. That’s why it’s important to clean these ugly discolorations to keep mold from further damaging your roof and home.

But when your roofing system sustains irreparable damage due to environmental factors, you need to know what to expect when getting roof replaced. You should choose high-quality roofing materials to ensure you’re replacing the old one with a durable, new roof that you can use for many years. Aside from setting a budget for materials, you also need to allocate sufficient money for labor.

A trusted roofing contractor also knows the best type of roof for your property. Because of the vast experience of local roofing contractors, choosing one from your area will be more advantageous.

Talk To A Roofing Expert

If you are looking for roofing in Calgary or if you are unsure of whether your roof’s integrity is compromised, don’t be afraid to contact a professional roofing contractor and ask for their assistance. Not only will they be able to alleviate any concerns, but they may also be able to let you know whether your roof is approaching the end of its life.



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